Recent content by cpperhead1

  1. C

    Viper Insurance Ontario Canada

    I wreck it they buy me a new one LOL I wish on-going { only in first year of buying a new car with RBC } Excepting if you have a yellow viper
  2. C

    Viper Insurance Ontario Canada

    royal bank offering good rates for mississauga !
  3. C

    2013 Toronto International Auto Show

    Press day at the T.o show !!! this comment just in from press room @!..."There has been more excitement and photographers surrounding the new SRT Viper than seemingly every other vehicle unveiled here - combined." by Michael Bettencourt via email 10:36 AM
  4. C

    8 Cars You Must Drive !

    Think your right about that !.. "only 5 of the cheerleaders will fork out the $150K .. .. I mean the economy is not exactly rock and roll !
  5. C

    a little birdie says......

    told ya it would be $$$ ,.. but i was Skorned , cast out .. vobodeen .. Now my 2010 worth more i hope !!
  6. C

    Any news on what us Canadians will get ***** on pricing for the new Gen V?

    Yes your correct ! Suppliers From Guelph ! ontario I'm sure not many Americans realize this fact Best deal Canada ever did with USA was sign-off on the Autopact ! { next to fee trade } LOL
  7. C

    Any news on what us Canadians will get ***** on pricing for the new Gen V?

    Yes Your 100% correct $120K for GTS plus shipping Thats is $117'600 in us greenbacks ... What a deal for Canada " OH CANADA" Now go out and buy / support the best American car made at any price ! You know alot of the viper parts are made in Canada ! Go out and support the UAW...
  8. C

    Gen 5 spotted!

    Yah i kinda agree add in the taxes in Canada and its a $155 K outlay Chrysler better at selling Fiats than exotics I will stick with my Gen 4 ACR personally until I see a Gen 5 ACR ! LOL
  9. C

    Gen V Price???

    Yes and in Canada on a 125 K car will be taxed additional $16'250'00 plus !!!!!!
  10. C

    Cruise and Coffee day Saturday in Newmarket !! Don't miss out.

    Rukcuss and I drive fairly close to the posted speed limits as police have us nervous Do you have any spotters ? Fords you say ! humm guess you mean the GT or stangs ? I'd gladly pull over for a GT , But Chevys and stangs LOL let'em cruise on by ..yawn
  11. C

    2013 Viper Poll

    In Canada the GTS will cost $140 K plus 13 % tax .. Gulp Think i'm Keeping my 2010 ACR and buy a used Ferrari instead !.. Additionally I just dont think a Ferrari or Maserati or Porche person will buy the new viper
  12. C

    Dear Ralph

    Yah but $145 K is more realistic , But one can dream !
  13. C

    Autoblog Gen V Rendering!

    ok so judging by several comment a day ago based and now realty shows the the Autoblog rendering to be dead -on ! We have a few very disappointed people ?!
  14. C

    James Fund

    Nobody i guess , and i like 5 min down the street , go figure