Recent content by Jeebs

  1. J

    Gen 2 to Gen 4 Engine Modification

    ^^^ That would be awesome. Keep us posted.
  2. J

    Gen 2 to Gen 4 Engine Modification

    Great build. Any final numbers yet. And i would be so interested in a gen2 to gen4 kit. It just makes sense and don't see why they wouldn't sell good. More so then then gen3 to gen4 kit. Come On Mopar, give us gen2 guys/gals what we have been waiting for. Original viper look with todays power.
  3. J

    My all day art project- Hoodpad/Hood Liner

    Very nice. I've been wanting to do that.
  4. J

    Recent picture of my Viper

    Car looks great. I love the color combo. GLWS And why are you selling??
  5. J

    Viper Insurance Ontario Canada

    Im with State Farm. I pay $750 a year. 6 months full coverage and 6 months fire and theft when its stored for the winter. And that's with a multi car discount. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. And No tickets.
  6. J

    Well, I did it!

    Congrats man that's awesome.
  7. J

    For all of you guys with slammed with jack or ramps

    I am using 2x10 as well. A couple feet long. Never had them flip up yet. But I guess they could if they were narrow and short. Good luck.
  8. J

    Some pictures of my new to me ACR

    That is one sick looking ACR. Congrats.
  9. J

    Question about sales tax when trading Vipers

    I'm not knocking you. I love my 02 ACR. But would I love an 08 couple even more? Hells ya. BUT there is something about the gen 2 that just looks awesome. GLWS or trade.
  10. J

    August BBQ

    Looks like a good turn out. Wish i could have made it and met some fellow owners and members.
  11. J

    mopar fest

    What day were you thinking about going. Saturday or Sunday?
  12. J

    2014 Tail of the Dragon!

    I'm hoping to be their again. It was a blast last year.
  13. J

    ******How Not To Store Your Wheels**********

    That is just crazy. And bad luck. But I could see how that could happen. I bet you couldn't make it do it again if you tried.
  14. J

    My transaction with Vipair Performance so far...

    Sorry to hear you have had a bad experience with Steve. As many have. But honestly he was great when I dealt with him. I ordered his drop coilovers for my Gen II. I had them in a month. He told me 3 weeks I think. A week late, I wasn't to bent about that. And the quality of them are very good...

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