Recent content by RoadiJeff

  1. R

    Anyone's Neighbors Ever Complain About Noise?

    Our neighborhood has an unofficial 9 o'clock rule - no loud noises (lawn mowers, etc.) before 9:00am or after 9:00pm. On the rare times when I would drive my Viper to work and left at 5:30am I would push it out of the garage with the engine off and coast 1/8 mile down a slight hill before...
  2. R

    Viper for sale why NO Bites??

    No, I researched the market and similar good to excellent condition Vipers of the same year with similar mileage were listed for around that same price. I didn't want to sit on it for years and years, the personal property taxes and insurance cost me over $1,500 each year just to park it in the...
  3. R

    Viper for sale why NO Bites??

    You're asking $38,000 for THAT? My goodness. If you really want to sell it you might want to research what similar Vipers are listing for. I recently sold my '99 RT/10 with 21,670 miles and in excellent condition through a consignment deal. They listed it for $34,995 and I understand they...
  4. R

    How have you sold a Viper?

    Me? I sold mine through Fast Lane Classic Cars in St. Charles, Mo. They have all kinds of nice things on their showroom floors but mine was the only Viper. They said it attracted lots of attention.
  5. R

    How have you sold a Viper?

    The reseller and I came to an agreement where I would get the first $28,000 and they would get whatever they could sell it for above that. I saw they had it listed for $34,995 and someone bought it and drove it home April 29th. I don't know what the buyer actually ended up paying. I stopped...
  6. R

    How have you sold a Viper?

    Looks like a clever way to avoid the membership fee while still listing your Viper for sale here on the forum. I'm surprised the mods let this thread slip by. Anyway, I had mine on consignment and I just was told today that it has been sold. They only had it for a few weeks but they have...
  7. R

    Hood Pads for Gen I/II?

    On mine I made a stencil for the lettering. I copied the letters from an online source so they would exactly match the style and aspect ratio of other "VIPER" words on the car. Then I did a bit of Photoshop enlarging, printed it all out and made the stencil.
  8. R

    New Viper is huge letdown

    I like that they have gone back to the Gen II styling. No more confusion with post 2002 year Vipers looking like a certain Chevy. I wonder if they managed to keep the MSRP under $100k?
  9. R

    Did you buy your Viper because of it's speed or style?

    Styling and head turning all the way. That's why I am not interested in anything beyond a Gen II. I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've had it above double digits speeds in the 6 1/2 years I've owned mine.
  10. R

    "Annual" oil changes..?

    It was time to change it anyway. I change the oil on all my cars and bike every 3,000 miles. If you're going to store it over the winter they say to change it BEFORE storage so the old contaminated oil doesn't sit in the engine and do nasty things for the many months it is not being driven.
  11. R

    cold wet tires + 2 degree weather not so good

    I have but not because of anything being wet. I never, ever drive it in the rain. I consider it sacrilegious. ;)
  12. R

    2002 RT/10 or 2003-05 SRT/10?

    Whenever I'm out driving with my wife and I see one I say, "Look, bowtie car". It took a long time before my wife asked what I meant by that. :rolaugh: I've read stories in other threads on here where a Viper owner stopped by his local Dodge dealer. After walking inside one of the sales guys...
  13. R

    So long for now..

    Are you seriously trying to compare your old Gen III Viper with something that has an MSRP of over twice its price??? Oh, please. Put that F430 in a head-to-head comparison with something like an SSC Ultimate Aero and see how it fares.
  14. R

    Lady wins viper on price is right

    Nice, but I think I'd settle for the model next to the hot tub. :)
  15. R

    Gen V question for Mr. Gilles or Mr. Helbig

    LOL - thanks. I've been hanging out on some sport bike forums for a year or two and haven't been keeping up with any Viper developments. I wonder what the price tag will be, considering today's economy?

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