2012 Annual Meeting Notes


Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
To All Fellow VCA Members:

As you all know we had our first EVER Annual meeting for the South Central Texas Viper Club last Saturday the 14th. Many thanks go out to Todd and Chris with ART for opening up their doors on their day off to our club so we could have a somewhat neutral location for this groundbreaking annual event. Thank you goes out to all the members who participated and helped form what our club is and will be in the near future. We had members from as far North as Lakeway and as far South as McAllen! Your dedication and loyalty is what makes this club stand out from the others, and I for one greatly appreciate it.

I will make this recap brief and hit the hot topics discussed as briefly as I can.

1.Event attendance will be recorded at every event, you must be a member and you must sign in using your VCA number at each event
a.Non members will be allowed to attend one event in hopes of becoming a member but must sign a hold-harmless waiver before participating
b.The member who has the highest attendance through 2012 will have his/her VCA member dues refunded for 2013 as a reward (including Venom memberships)
2.Generic business cards are being created to give out to all members to help get the word out about the VCA
a.If you see a Viper place a card in the windshield, hand it to the owner, etc... the VCA email will be on it as well as the website. Feel free to write in your personal info as
well and help promote the club
b.VCA fee for 2013 refunded as prize for the member who brings in the most new memberships (new member must mention your name when signing up to qualify- new
members only- not renewals)
3.Jim Chandler is spearheading an effort to have our club become a registered 501(c)3 Nonprofit organization
a.This will lead to better sponsorship opportunities and also allow us to provide more charity to the community
4.Our Charity drive for 2012 will be with Wounded Warriors, we may start out with only one drive this year but as we grow I would like to make it at least a quarterly event.
(details pending)
5.John Weber is campaigning for Keels and Wheels to have the Viper its own classification in judging for this year
a.This should reciprocate to other shows and we can increase our presence at all local and state car shows (Get some trophies for that garage!)
6.Working with several companies and reviewing best value bid to hold our regional logo o you may call them up and purchase any item you would like with our logo imprinted
or embroidered.
a.If you are a part of the region and have the capabilities please let me know, if we can help a fellow member we will give that top priority.
7.Ralph Gilles sent me an autographed Viper 'ring poster that I have framed in brushed aluminum and dry-mounted on acid free backing with UV and glare resistant glass.
(Archival framing costs alone= $356.00, signed poster=priceless)
a.This item will be raffled off. Tickets will be $10. A total of 200 tickets will try to be sold, books of ten tickets will be discounted to $95.00. (more info to come with photos)
b.This money will go towards event door prizes
8.Every event will have a single door prize or various value.
a.You must be at the start of the event and sign in with a valid VCA member number to receive a prize ticket, prize will be awarded at the end of the event. You MUST be
present to win.
9.All Monthly Events will be planned by our own members, we encourage both a drive and social event each month.
January- Annual Meeting
February- OPEN
March- Texas Viper Round Up (pending)
April- Larry Hudler
May- John Weber
Boerne Car Show (Jim Chandler)
June- John & Polly Holmes
July- PENDING (Koyote Ranch 4th of July picnic?)
August- OPEN
September- VOI 27th- 30th, Viper Days 21st-24th
October- Mike Cole
November- Viper Joe
December- Holiday Party (drive may be planned as well pending weather)
January 2013- Citrus Parade, McAllen, TX
10. Social events will occur at least every quarter, we will strive for every month
a.If you would like to host a social event please sign up now and I will send out the schedule.
b.Our car club is only as strong as the ties we create within it, the social aspect of our club must be strengthened in order for the entire club to grow
11. As of January 2012 an annual financial statement will be created for review by all members at every annual meeting.
a.Any expenditure of greater than $500 of club money will need to be voted and passed by the majority of the board you have all elected.

We had a good debate on many topics, more than what could be covered in the 4 hours we met. The above is just brief notes of what was covered and what is being worked on in the back ground by several dedicated VCA members.

To all members who are planning an event or would like to plan an event- please get the info for your event in to me ASAP. I will need full details including maps if needed to distribute to all members 6 weeks prior to the event.

All events will be posted to the forums as well as soon as details are received.

Thank you again to ART and all who took the time out of their schedules to attend this meeting and are helping make this club be the best it can be. With continued teamwork this club can be great!

Thank you,

Kurt Robinson (TexasTonka)
President, South Central Texas VCA


Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
Did not realize this was the first meeting, based on attendance and how well it was ran! Nice job to those involved - I apologize for arriving late and leaving early. I am looking forward to this group and being an active participant!


Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
Feb, right. ..... looking very much forward to this. Missed last one. Thanks. :)

Mike- Your thinking of the Viper Round Up, the VCA event held in the spring. Still waiting on details or that. Will get it to you ASAP.

Hill Country Grand Prix is not a VCA event, but you are more than welcome to join it.


May 31, 2011
Reaction score
Seguin, TX
Mike- Your thinking of the Viper Round Up, the VCA event held in the spring. Still waiting on details or that. Will get it to you ASAP.

Hill Country Grand Prix is not a VCA event, but you are more than welcome to join it.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Actually, I was responding to the "Feb...My place" offer. I don't think I even had a Viper last time the invite was extended. So I missed out.
Yes, looking very much forward to the "Viper Roundup", and the forthcoming details. Definitely something I don't want to miss.


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