Recent content by #54gts

  1. 5

    Viper Days at VIR????

    I forgot to say that this event was on my and thank you to everybody that sang happy birthday to me at the ceremony,I couldn't think of any better place I would want to spend my birthday. Thanks again it was very sweet Eyal
  2. 5

    Viper Days at VIR????

    A superb event V.I.R is my favorite track just wished this event took place in October when its only 100 degrees and not 150:) the heat was taking the toll on everybody but looking at the times all improved from last year. Since I am in this class called Ray oh sorry prepared and had to fight...
  3. 5

    Viper Days Driving School & the Viper Racing League at Sebring!!

    Let me give you an example why you pay a bit more with ViperDays. I ran VIR in 03 and my time was 2:23. in 04 I ran it again after being with Viper Days and ran the same track in 2:16 and took first place. So you do the math!!! Like my buddy who loves golf told me once: "You can go to the...
  4. 5

    Viper Days Finals Picture

    This is a great shot but I liked the calendar better ;)
  5. 5

    Just a few words of appreciation regarding Tom Sessions

    Ya'll crazy with these offers I just signed him up with me. 20 year contract for a worm meal and some clean sheets :D Eyal
  6. 5

    What spare Parts needed by novice racer

    Congrats on the purchase of the coupe you'll love it. I agree with Janni the best thing to do is to come to one of the ViperDays events even if you don't run you will get 100% of any questions you have answered and you can watch the Coupe racers routine and operation. Even get a ride in one on...
  7. 5

    Thank You Viper Days & V-TEN Racing

    You're welcome bud. My self and my team buddies are more then happy to assist any newcomers to ViperDays. I'm proud of your accomplishment. Oh and for you're last comment, We in the racing world have a saying: "BRING IT TO THE TRACK DUD" :headbang: Good job!! hope to see you at the finales...
  8. 5

    Anyone write off their Viper for business?

    My company sponsor my racing its a 100% write off for me
  9. 5

    285 tire

    I run 295 on my 18" Fogelines some run 305's it will grip better on the track but if you go bigger then 285" you will notice a bulgy tire, It will bulge out of your rim
  10. 5

    Replaced brake pads and rotors - brakes are grabbing/vibration

    If your piston was stuck your car will pull to the right all the time, and it should not vibrate. It sounds to me like you have an un balanced rotor or rotors. the rotor will warm up and expand more, that will make the rotor touch the pad and cause a vibration. I would change the rotor and put...
  11. 5

    Tommy Archer wins Portland!

    Great job Tommy! Fantastic finish for Vipers 5 in the top ten (now we're talking) Great job guys!!!
  12. 5

    V-TEN at VIR July 16-18, Long Story

    T Time for you to get with it and change the colors of you signature
  13. 5

    V-TEN at VIR July 16-18, Long Story

    Hey Ray what's your plan for Texas? Eyal
  14. 5

    V-TEN at VIR July 16-18, Long Story

    Newt I think Tom is comfused my 7 month old name is Kyle

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