Recent content by Brake Dust

  1. B

    The Serpent and the Falcon

    I Love That Falcon :2tu:
  2. B

    trade viper

    BULLS EYE NUTS :nono::nono::crazy2::omg::rolaugh::rolaugh::rolaugh::rolaugh::rolleyes::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::dropdev::hahaup::buttkick::buttkick::hit::hit::stooges::catfight::panic::think::think::think::drinker::drinker:
  3. B

    Sherman, CT Crash

    Thank You For The Post Peter. I Was Just About To Call Jimmy For Your #.
  4. B

    Last run to Splash for brunch???

    That made me laugh :omg: :rolaugh::rolaugh::lmao:
  5. B

    Need to sell my 96 GTS :(

    40k Without The Extras
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    NY/CT: Upstate Fall "Brunch" Oct. 24

    Nice Pic's Jimmy Thanks
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    Nurburgring ACR driving experience

    Start Saving The $$$$$$$$ Now :2tu:
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    I think my cart is B4 my horse

    (2,200 miles on clock) on an 03? Too nice to track. :D
  9. B

    Are the Gen II's value a little too high??

    If you really want a viper of any gen, Spend the necessary amount to get a well maintained car . Try taking a drive in a 500hp 200mph +- Viper that has problems, is a bad idea. ARE YOU WORTH IT? :dunno:
  10. B

    Are the Gen II's value a little too high??

    All car prices are soft...You wish anything with mileage in the 30k's is going for mid to high 20's.: maybe with a salvaged title , big scratch, blown motor, bald tires, and you with your hand out with 29GRAND IN IT B....CH MAYBE A GEN II, or any Gen for that matter.
  11. B

    Vette Forum's ZR1 vs ACR challenge?

    I Whould Take That Zr1 Over Any Viper Because It Is Slower, There For It Is Safer?:eater: :rolleyes:
  12. B

    John Hennessy's Business Partner

    That Is Doc. He Is A Viper Owner And Has A Great Sense Of Humour. He Loves Messing With People... Obviously. :rolaugh:
  13. B

    NY/CT Region & Tator's Garage are proud sponsors of the..............

    GREAT SLIDESHOW E & C THANKS . Nice to see everyone! Peter you did it way to go:2tu::2tu:
  14. B

    NY/CT Region & Tator's Garage are proud sponsors of the..............

    We had 26 Vipers last year, lets see if we can top that this year!

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