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      Cru33 reacted to TEALLIFE's post in the thread My viper conundrum with Like Like.
      Theyre just cars and you have insurance. Enjoy it or sell it to someone who will.
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      Cru33 reacted to MoparMap's post in the thread My viper conundrum with Like Like.
      My 04 ticked over 138,000 miles not that long ago, ~100,000 miles of those are my own. I bought it to be my daily driver more or less...
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      Cru33 reacted to efnfast's post in the thread My viper conundrum with Like Like.
      I won't leave mine unattended in parking lots .... in the early years I would and 90% of the time I'd come back to find people loitering...
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      Cru33 reacted to BoondocSaint's post in the thread My viper conundrum with Like Like.
      Never hurts to frequent places where people will have good car etiquette. Examples would be Cars and Coffee events, local car shows...
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      Cru33 reacted to Solid Red 98's post in the thread My viper conundrum with Like Like.
      Vipers are quite rare, and entering the irreplaceable exotic club. Their savings grace is that they are stout, and there are...
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      Cru33 reacted to daveg's post in the thread My viper conundrum with Like Like.
      I typically park it where I can see it. Work etc. If something major happens to it its replaceable. Not driving it your saving it for...
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      Hey all! New to the forum. Found it while doing a search today. I’ve been a Viper fan since I was 12 when I saw the 1st Viper pace...
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