Recent content by cubican

  1. C

    Viper Crash - Fatality

    Ok guys these one is close to my heart, my wife and I are long time friends with family , the car is a California car but he was doing work in Florida, he had a heart attack before the accident happen as you can imagine the family is in a state of shock. My condolences to the Garner Family. RIP
  2. C

    belanger mid pipe

    Do you have the tips
  3. C

    Viper tuner in San Antonio Austin area

    Clavo Motorsport is in austin he does great work.
  4. C

    Cleaning my Sidewinder hyper black rims

    Get your wheels coted with some cqwartz and they will be so much easier to clean, all I use on my wheels is a power washer and a wheel brush
  5. C

    Attachments Update

    Let see if it works
  6. C

    SCT tuner or upgraded PCM

    The sct has to be loaded up with a tune for your can they don't come loaded up from sct, but if you get it from a shop that does tunning they can sell you the unit ready to go. The other option is to send your pcm to get re program. I will tell you there is no better way to tune your car than an...
  7. C

    What color to paint rear spoiler?

    Vca is not letting me post any pics sorry love to help but I guess I need to move on.
  8. C

    What color to paint rear spoiler?

    Black for sure here's a pic of my set up
  9. C

    New member with maintenance question

    If you don't have a leak just wait till you do, and then replace them with the after market ones.
  10. C

    New member with maintenance question

    What ever you do don't used a 30w oil at least used a 40w oil will help with the ticking noice on your motor
  11. C

    Order is in...

    The track is a great way to learn to drive a viper, get ready your skills to improve. Congrats on the extreme
  12. C

    Heads and cam swap gen3 to gen4

    Call arrow racing engines they have them.
  13. C

    Heads and cam swap gen3 to gen4

    I agree I think the gen 4 all it needs is a diferent cam and great tune.
  14. C

    Heads and cam swap gen3 to gen4

    Ok clean out my pm re sent the info thanks.
  15. C

    Heads and cam swap gen3 to gen4

    That was a custom part all the carbon on my car is the real deal.

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