Recent content by daveg

  1. daveg

    Oil Filter Recommendations

    I'm a WIX guy, All I use for all my cars..
  2. daveg


    LOL, I must remember that quote next time I talk to my Boss....
  3. daveg

    My viper conundrum

    I typically park it where I can see it. Work etc. If something major happens to it its replaceable. Not driving it your saving it for the next caretaker. My problem is time....
  4. daveg

    1997 Viper, 4th invitational “Snake Bite Kit” info request

    No need to apologize, Paul and Dean are over achievers!
  5. daveg

    1997 Viper, 4th invitational “Snake Bite Kit” info request

    Hahahaha... Thanks Paul, dont change. For your information, I put 100 miles on my car last year... Ya I know, you do that in a day.
  6. daveg

    1997 Viper, 4th invitational “Snake Bite Kit” info request

    I should take a Picture of the Plaque but have to wait for the car to get down off the Lift.
  7. daveg

    1997 Viper, 4th invitational “Snake Bite Kit” info request

    Dean, if you have the Doc that came with it and you dont mind either photo copying it and sending it OR, converting the hard copy to PDF and forwarding, This 96 owner would be grateful. Additionally, here is an Article on the Orlando and the Viper event...
  8. daveg

    1997 Viper, 4th invitational “Snake Bite Kit” info request

    So I have the Banner (no tube) and I also have the Decal to show my car was in the event. I may have the paperwork but will have to look in my Document binder. Will check either tonight when I get home or tomorrow.
  9. daveg

    Radiator upgrade

    Does for Cabin Temps. Tator also recommended it and no regrets. Just a suggestion, do as you wish! PS, I know life before and after the 180, ill take the after.
  10. daveg

    Radiator upgrade

    I would definitely change the T Stat to a 180 deg. Mine has been replaced and it definitely runs cooler at cruising speeds. If you drive spirited, it will run warmer than the 180 but will come down to the 180 when cruising again. No regrets having a 180 at all and would do it again!
  11. daveg

    1999 GTS - Exhaust Manifolds Glowing Red

    STFT being near Zero is a good start even though the car hasn't run long enough for the STFT to reflect in the LTFT.
  12. daveg


    Hopefully not. If it did and the snout is bad, he will have to at a minimum Pin it.

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