Recent content by DVS_V10

  1. D

    sad times

    I plane to get another one just when it is a little more practical.
  2. D

    sad times

    well it has come that time since the twins will be coming home from the hospital soon me and my wife have decided that is just not prcatical at this time with 3 kids under the age of 4 to keep the viper I will be getting somthing with 4 doors. so if any one is intrested in my SSR rims +...
  3. D

    ECU pinout ?

    That is cool as soon as I get things set up on the car I will start posting info on the tuning I do.:D
  4. D

    ECU pinout ?

    so I was looking at the roe vec 2 and the only thing I can not tell from the discription is does the sytem allow you to tune your self or do you have to send the cards to them for programing.
  5. D

    ECU pinout ?

    I will look into the VEC2 but the shop I work for is a authorized AEM distrbuter and tunner so I can get a good deal on it.
  6. D

    ECU pinout ?

    I was wondering is the wireing pinout the same on gen 1 and gen 2 are they interchangtable. I want to run a AEM EMS on my 94 but they only sell it for 96 and up.
  7. D

    Northern California Event Schedule/website

    tryed to send a email to the address listed for the monthly meetings and it got reterend as a bad address.
  8. D

    94 RT/10 spec ?

    naw it is not that early I have the 3 strips.
  9. D

    Santana Row on Saturdy 4/21/07

    nice pics had fun looking forward to next sat.
  10. D

    94 RT/10 spec ?

    cool thanks for the response kind of intresting seeing how small changes in a car make for some intresting descusion.
  11. D

    94 RT/10 spec ?

    Ok so I have a 94 RT/10 and was looking up specs for that year and found that the 94 is not suposed to have the yellow in the temp gage the hood lach is supose to pull out and the calipers should say viper. well mine has the yellow and the red in the temp gage the hood lach pulls down and has...
  12. D

    I added a new look to my GTS

    wow that is just a little fast and furious for me. but it does look good
  13. D

    Viper fender covers?

    make sure you sinc your throtellbodys or you will slide to one side wile doing a burnout.
  14. D

    Santana Row on Saturdy 4/21/07

    ya sounds good
  15. D

    Santana Row on Saturdy 4/21/07

    I live off hillsdale next to the capitol auto mall or if you know of bigdogs grill on cherry and foxworthy I live to blocks up from it.

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