Recent content by firstcolonial

  1. F

    I need a set of Forgelines like these - 18x10

    I have the set but wont break up
  2. F

    Brake Duct for GTS

    Is it just me or is the illustrated guide that Viper Tony (brake duct..I know he's got a few) not work?
  3. F

    Brake Duct for GTS

    I just purchased smaller ducts for the rotor.. I figured I would say that to the size I need.. I'll let you know how it works out. Its worth a try for $20.. I'll pass on the shrouds that are silly money to me
  4. F

    Brake Duct for GTS

    Gotcha..what do you think of the idea about just getting a cheap NACA duct and trim it down for the caliper side...or is that a waste?
  5. F

    Brake Duct for GTS

    BTW can you purchase cone or is that an in house fab?
  6. F

    Brake Duct for GTS

    Sorry wasn't clear...I was implying to eliminate the duct shroud and just have the 3-1/2 hose just poke its nose out...would this significantly reduce air flow?
  7. F

    Brake Duct for GTS

    WOW Great Stuff thus far...perfect!! Question what if I just use a hole saw and cut opening (about 3-1/4") from the rear without taking front fascia off push hose thru from rear and bed hose to rear fascia? Just a thought?
  8. F

    Brake Duct for GTS

    I appreciate the input from both...Tony any and all info/pics are appreciated!
  9. F

    Brake Duct for GTS

    I wanted to buy a cone kit but Jon B is out and No replies yet from Henry Cone. I've been researching and it seems the area underneath the fascia is positive..I was thinking about putting a NACA vent behind fascia pointing down and then connect with 600 deg hosing from the top to the...
  10. F

    Ok...I missed the meeting. What are the future events?

    I too would like a calendar of events...also not that it's a big deal but how long does it take to get my "venom" avitar..again this is no big deal?
  11. F

    Jon B Parts Rack..What a company SHOULD be

    I've owned my own company since 1991. And I pride myself for delivering the product promised with no hidden strings. Jon B and PartsRack have a customer for life not only me but obviously a lot of people. If you want a Viper part if not the best price damn near close to it...if you want the...
  12. F

    Brake Lights Staying On

    Damn I helped I only need to help 100 more to break even and not feel so guilty from taking eveyones help. Glad it worked out
  13. F

    Brake Lights Staying On

    I had your exact same problem after I recently replaced my power brake booster...when I re assembled the brake pedal (clip) the brake light stayed on...drove me nuts. Finally I physically pulled the plunger out with some minor effort. The plunger kind of ratcheted out to full length. After I...
  14. F

    Oil Puke can setup?

    Good on my Gen II if I plan to use a basic can (no offense to Daves can just too expensive)do you guys think its best to return back to the CCV, dead end, or return back to air box. And does the can need to be vented? Sorry to prolong...I guess ive researched too much and over...
  15. F

    Oil Puke can setup?

    Thanks for the Pic..The Gen 2 has a CCV which performs the same function as a PCV. It says in my manual that the CCV meters the amt of crankcase vapors drawn out of the engine...when the eng. is running, fresh air enters the engine and mixes with the crankcase vapors. Manifold vacuum draws the...

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