Recent content by Flylow

  1. F

    Gen 5 viper value retention after 2017 brand discontinuing

    Sounds like you should get the Nissan - and not drive it.
  2. F

    Launch control

    I did it on a small farm road, no worries. Massive amount of wheel spin, and 4.7 seconds to 60. Kind of useless if you want to accelerate fast but it was fun.
  3. F

    Anyone else notice the Gen5 trolls have not been around

    How long time did it take for you to acquire those skills? It must be difficult to multitask (making faces, funny sounds, and hands off the steering wheel) when accelerating that fast - WOW
  4. F

    Anyone else notice the Gen5 trolls have not been around

    Are you making those faces and sounds, when you are showing us primitive Viper boys, how a car is truly driven in a straight line?
  5. F

    Anyone else notice the Gen5 trolls have not been around

    I take that back, I meant launch #8 at the 2min 30sec mark. Now - that is impressive! Are you capable of that?
  6. F

    Anyone else notice the Gen5 trolls have not been around

    Just clarifying, the acceleration skills "you" have, are as shown here?: (starting at the 2 minute mark).
  7. F

    Anyone else notice the Gen5 trolls have not been around

    They are ssstill around. Quite amusing actually.
  8. F

    TA Details - input please

    Please have some mercy - mine is still at the dealer - far from where i live - currently arranging delivery.
  9. F

    TA Details - input please

    Orange TA 59/93 .......... Yeaa
  10. F

    TA Details - input please

    I GOT IT - and I GET IT......!!! Thank you, to ALL that provided information!! You guys are great. And, ARCBruce your damned picture pushed me over the edge.
  11. F

    TA Details - input please

    Now - the bike comparison is something I can relate to. I have a Ducati 916 SPS, hoping that the Viper will provide some of that same engagement. I have always had BMW's - still do.
  12. F

    TA Details - input please

    I just looked at the picture I took of the badge - there is indeed a hint of some numbers there. Bruce, you were right, I missed it (this is probably the first time I was wrong about anything - you can check with my wife). Thank you, to all !!!!
  13. F

    TA Details - input please

    Just the input i was hoping for. Thank you, Bob and Bruce! - Last two digits on the VIN number makes sense as to the TA number but for sure there are no numbers below the orange "SRT" badge. - Clutch input was what I was hoping for (will help my short legs)! Thanks !
  14. F

    TA Details - input please

    The car is new, at the dealer. SRT badge is Orange, just no number on it!?

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