Recent content by Frank 03SRT

  1. F

    Lee resigned

    I can understand AZTVR's comment, the need for civil discourse, someone trying to support a friend, and MY need to ****. Well, 3 out of 4 ain't bad.
  2. F

    VCA legal Counsel, Bill Corum has resigned

    I am pretty sure he took over president of the KC club after Chris. This is more than interesting.
  3. F

    Lee resigned

    MM, are you actually Chris? The duck has quacked -- give it up.
  4. F

    Free Jon B

    Even though the money "may" not be that staggering, it is about impropriety that bothers me the most. I don't like sneaky, shady dealings. They happen all the time, but in a car club?? I know there is no proof, but it is real hard to prove anything without data.
  5. F

    Free Jon B

    We hear some support for the VPA, and I am sure there is need for the associated products and parts. BUT, what needs to be thoroughly investigated is how it was set up, was there unfair inside dealing, skimming and favoritism, cooking of books, etc. If any of this or associated actions...
  6. F

    Where does the VCA go from here (Positive Thread)!!!

    I have this background suspicion that most everyone is being played by the supposed good guys, and your comment egged me on. I wish I had the faith, and maybe with honest changes, I'll see the light.
  7. F

    Where does the VCA go from here (Positive Thread)!!!

    MoparMap, I don't think it is so much about the value of the VPA, but how it was developed by insiders that stand to benefit financially. Where I worked, we were required to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. This appears to be more of an opportunistic infection, or worse.
  8. F

    Where does the VCA go from here (Positive Thread)!!!

    If folks are dead set against a national function, one could rotate the leadership between each of the regions, or more likely, those interested in leadership. Do it every quarter or so. I can see where that could get cumbersome, so maybe another avenue would be to have one elected HQ type...
  9. F

    Where does the VCA go from here (Positive Thread)!!!

    Can you do annual meetings and other meetings via video conference or similar?
  10. F

    Kansas Viper cruise caught on news video.

    Sad for all involved.
  11. F

    Sill Protectors

    You know, the problem with those "protectors" is that they don't protect the most exposed portion of the sill which sticks out many inches past the protectors --- and it is REALLY exposed on the Gen 5. I test sat in one about a month ago, it was hard for me to avoid clicking my heels on that...
  12. F

    Sat inside the new 2013...DAMN IT !! NO ROOM compared to my gen2

    Referencing my concern about shoulder room in the Gen V, I went to the only dealer in the KC area that has any Gen V (LE), and was able to talk them into letting me sit in it and compare to my 2003. There is plenty of leg room for this 6'-1" guy, and the shoulder problem I had is not there in...
  13. F

    Sat inside the new 2013...DAMN IT !! NO ROOM compared to my gen2

    Well, that's a little worrisome to me. Though I am skinny as a snake and only a little over 6', I have very wide shoulders, and my 2003 had my left side hurting just like you. Need to find a 2013 and sit in it.
  14. F

    Sat inside the new 2013...DAMN IT !! NO ROOM compared to my gen2

    There's a guy in the picture?? Thought it was a wart.