Recent content by Glen97

  1. Glen97

    Observations about the VCA - this is good

    Its way too late. Glen
  2. Glen97

    VCA back to the same old routine

    VPA has donated about 20K in parts to local VCA regions. It would be nice to see what regions got the donated parts? I would bet not all received donations. Glen
  3. Glen97

    VOI 13

    I just don't see SRT having anything to do with the VCA after what has taken place. Its to bad it came to this. Glen
  4. Glen97

    Normandin Chrysler Mopar Car Show and BBQ

    Its Tomorrow....
  5. Glen97

    Where does the VCA go from here (Positive Thread)!!!

    I've seen letters "written by Lee" that look more like they were authored by Chris. Lee is just the puppet. He is not smart enough to engineer this fiasco.
  6. Glen97

    Western Zone Rendezvous Aug 23 - 25 Santa Brabara CA.

    We just attend the Western Zone Rendezvous. Lance Kouchi and his team put together a very fun weekend. We stayed at the Fess Parker Resort in Santa Barbara. We had a Saturday day cruise to Solvang then off to the Reagan Presidential Library for a private 2 hour tour followed by a Banquet...
  7. Glen97

    Western Zone Rendezvous in Santa Barbara CA Aug 23 -25

    We just attend the Western Zone Rendezvous. Lance Kouchi and his team put together a very fun weekend. We stayed at the Fess Parker Resort in Santa Barbara. We had a Saturday day cruise to Solvang then off to the Reagan Presidential Library for a private 2 hour tour followed by a Banquet...
  8. Glen97

    Fingerprints all over my car..

    Great story! Love seeing the little guys and girls get fired up when they see the Viper. I hand out these little 5 inch long Vipers when the little enthusiast come around.
  9. Glen97

    Holes covered by tape in rear hatch of 2009 Coupe

    Just looked its on my 09 also.
  10. Glen97

    Recommendation for good body shop?

    Normandin Chrysler Jeep Dodge in San Jose. The owner Paul is a club member and I'm sure he will treat you right.
  11. Glen97

    Western Automotive Journalist's presentation of "Behind the Scenes with Viper Gen V"

    Had a fun night at the Western Automotive Journalist's presentation of "Behind the Scenes with Viper Gen V" at Sparky's Hot Rod Garage in San Carlos with Ralph and Maurice.
  12. Glen97

    NorCal August lunch meeting

    August Lunch meeting In August we will have a lunch meeting on Saturday August 10thinstead of the bi-monthly dinner meeting. We will meet at Famous Dave’s BBQlocated at 3170 N. Naglee Road Tracy, CA 95304. Lunch will start at 12:00 noon followed by a Club meeting to discussclub news and upcoming...
  13. Glen97

    Western Zone Rendezvous in Santa Barbara CA Aug 23 -25

    So far 7 cars are signed up from NorCal.
  14. Glen97

    Who's in the San Fran area??

    BBG in Sacramento
  15. Glen97

    Calaveras Cruise April 27

    Please join us for a great cruise, always a club favorite. We will meet in Valley Springs at Common Grounds (coffee house) located at 1900 Vista Del Lago Dr Ste Q Valley Springs, CA 95252 at 10:30 am. From there we will cruise a few back roads to Copperopolis Town Square for lunch at Griff's...

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