Recent content by KERS-VPR

  1. K

    WTB Gen2 GTS - Need advice for a potential California Viper owner

    Good luck on your search, I have my red 99' GTS for sale with most of those mods you mentioned, but I'm in Pa.
  2. K

    Any interest in OE Michelin's for Gen 1 and 2 (17 & 18in)?

    BF Goodrich Rival S. are street/track tires from Tire rack
  3. K

    WTB: 96-99 GTS. CA buyer

    My red 99 I have up for sale also
  4. K

    How smart is it to buy a used Viper out of state, site unseen...

    I have a red 99" GTS for sale now that was purchased new from the original owner from Roanoke
  5. K

    New Forum Member looking for Gen II GTS

  6. K

    New 2013 Viper looks like a "Chick Car"

    I like chick cars;) and this one's a beauty:drive:
  7. K

    destroyed silver SRT10 near Harrisburg, PA

    Like me, the police didn't see it happen, smarter than them, :headbang:. A statement to the insurance is one thing but a SWORN statement:dunno: Your paper was as worthless as toilet paper.:omg: stop posting, I doubt it, your addicted:lmao:
  8. K

    destroyed silver SRT10 near Harrisburg, PA

    ((((((("The Bad: - a viper wrecked in front of me and i sideswiped his front end which bounced me into a mini van, so both sides have damage.")))))) Your own words, from the RX8 forum:dunno: like I said, if he was in front of you, and you behind him and you still hit him, you didn't have...
  9. K

    destroyed silver SRT10 near Harrisburg, PA

    The driver of the Viper is a heck of a nice guy, to bad you don't know him, you could learn alot. From what I heard, you hit the viper after he lost it, trying to keep up, and lost control of your RX8 and hit a minivan.:eater: So who else didn't have control of their car besides the guy driving...
  10. K

    My '09 ACR now in the classifieds

    I'll give ya 50K for it.;)
  11. K

    Dodge's secret garage

    thanks for sharing

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