Recent content by MADMAX

  1. M

    How do you break an OSG diff?

    Like this. Lost a lot of transmission fluid as you can guess from that 'extra hole' caused by a 'free' crown gear securing bolt. Opened it up and it looked like this. Way to many loose crown gear bolts - 5 out of the 10 had sheared - the rest were loose (finger tight)...
  2. M

    Sport shims

    If you checkout your service manual and lookup SPORT SHIMS in the INDEX, all should become clear.
  3. M

    Sport shims

    Has anyone got any track day experience of running in SPORT MODE :headbang: with the sport shims removed? :drive: I was thinking about giving it a go at a track event in a few weeks but thought I'd ask the great and good first.:D
  4. M

    2013 Event dates

    Some great opportunities for club members during Le Mans this year....... Roll on the fine weather. :)
  5. M

    new clutch/flywheel

    Not sure "save money" and "performance gain" isn't a contradiction although you know best based on what you were charged labour. I've just fitted a Fidanza flywheel, centerforce clutch and stock slave (gen2). Good luck.
  6. M

    can not find Castrol Syntorq for gear for SRT-10 gearbox. What else can be used?

    "When I tried sourcing the Synctorq stuff here in the UK I was told the Euro equivalent was Syntrax." It should be readily available at most leading auto suppliers.
  7. M

    can not find Castrol Syntorq for gear for SRT-10 gearbox. What else can be used?

    I use castrol syntrans transaxle 75w-90 if that helps.
  8. M

    Donate here for paul lacey

    Some of you may already have heard about the unexpected death of Paul Lacey, one of our most long standing UK region Viper Club members. Paul was such an inspirational member of our community for such a long time he will be greatly missed by us all. Paul passed away peacefully last weekend...
  9. M

    my trans just threw up.

    Look what Postie delivered this morning... You wanna fit one of these Alex - while you've got it all apart.
  10. M

    Mr Paul Lacey UK RIP

    It’s so difficult to express the sadness in words when something like this happens – one word that keeps coming into my mind is “why?” Such a loss – and why! Paul was such an inspirational member of our community over the years and will be greatly missed by so many. RIP. Adrian
  11. M

    my trans just threw up.

    Hey Alex, sorry to hear your having troubles - if it makes you feel any better I've got my trans out at the moment as well (4th time in 5 years of ownership) - don't you just love it - wish I'd changed the clutch and slave cylinder back in 2007 - would have saved me 2 of those 4 trans removals -...
  12. M

    Running order set - Petit Le Mans 2012

    EXCELLENT results - very promising for the next season. As for the delta wing..... very impressive but it had an argument with a Porsche and lost.
  13. M

    That's Racing!

    Nice post Fatty. :2tu: Shame about the breakdown - at least it's at the end of season, not beggining. You have all winter to hatch a recovery for Spring 2013...... As you know, some of us are bound for Charlotte next week so if there's anything you think we can help with, just let us know...
  14. M

    Need Header Recommendations

    I used Belanger headers (including collectors and turnbacks) then had the rest of the system custom made in stainless steel by a local exhaust specialist. It wasn't the cheapest way of doing it by far but part of the installation included a guaranteed maximum noise level (101dB) so I could...

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