Hi all
I recently rediscovered my OEM 2013 Service Manual CD.
I went to use it and discovered that you must use Internet Explorer (IE) to use the CD.
Well, I dont have IE on my computer anymore and I am looking for a work around. Anyone have an idea?
Steve A.
Hi All,
I am looking to see if anyone has tried and had any luck touching up the the Sidewinder II's ?
These are not the deep black ones but the lighter version.
Steve A.
Hi guys,
I looking for anyone that might have info on the Comp Coupe in the pic. It was used in the publicity run against an F-16 in Arizona a number of years ago. I have several of the body panels from that car including the rare dual sided refueling ports roof assembly.
Wanting to know...
hi all,
Looking for a .eps, .ai or pdf file of the Viper comp Coupe logo from back in the day.
Black and white or line drawing is fine.
Thanks in advance,
The VCC uses a modified OEM controller. Its based on Motorola. No AEM. You can plug in the Comp Coupe controller into a street car and it will run and vice versa. The MOTEC harness is an overlay to the factory.
If you have a real Comp Coupe, you cannot rely of the factory wiring diagram. You must use the Comp Coupe Wiring diagram as it interfaces with the stock one in many areas and there are many dead ends of the factory harness that get removed for use with the comp coupe.
Maybe NOT. The oil cooler uses coolant to cool the oil. Put a new cooler on it change the oil and drive it. The mere fact that there is antifreeze in the oil is NOT and automatic death sentence.
All of the smaller formed ones have been discontinued from Chrysler for years. Even if they were still available, why in Gods name would you want to put 20-25 year old hoses on your car?
This isn't Walmart you know.
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