Recent content by Stretch

  1. S

    Dehumidifier settings for the garage???

    Side note.... don't turn the dehumidifier on continuous run and connect it to a drain hose. Use the bucket and only use the dehumidifier when you need to.
  2. S

    Esquire Magazine

    Well played shine. Hopefully they will add some nice pictures and info on the Viper in the future. Making believers out of people, one snake bite at a time.
  3. S

    Considering a Viper, is it for me?

    This. The car is an absolute blast. And if you're only driving it in nice weather you don't have to worry about the top and windows. I only put mine on for a road trip. I've been caught in the rain multiple times. The car didn't melt, and the fun I had on the road trips where it rained were...
  4. S

    2006 Viper Coupe First Edition FS #133

    Ahh gotcha. I finally saw one in person sunday but they were driving up to the show as I was leaving so I didn't get to see it up close. Send me pics once you get it!
  5. S

    New Owner.. Truly my dream come true!

    Congrats and Welcome!!
  6. S

    2006 Viper Coupe First Edition FS #133

    For sale Mike?! Good luck. I have seen this car in person, it's beautiful.
  7. S

    VOI9 there a registry

    Thanks for the pic Blockbuster. Any more pics of the car? Or more importantly, any more of the scenery at said car show?? :D
  8. S

    Viper Saga...part deux

    Pictures please!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drive: This sounds awesome!
  9. S

    VOI9 there a registry

    Beautiful!! And rare to have both the Mopar package and be a Vegas delivery car..... and of course the Paxton :D Last summer I rode in a Paxton Gen 3.... it was awesome!
  10. S

    VOI9 there a registry

    Congrats on the purchase StoleIt!!!! Post some pictures!!
  11. S

    VOI9 there a registry

    Thanks Brian!!!! :2tu:
  12. S

    VOI9 there a registry

    Congrats on the purchase Brian!!!! That car is beautiful. And another Prefix car identified for the database :D
  13. S

    Calling all sapphire bules

    Kurt I am loving those first 2. Well done!
  14. S

    Hocking Hills Ohio cruise

    Yes you do!! Mark your calendar right now for the first weekend in June 2014. I'm dragging you (kicking and screaming if I have to) down to Tennessee with us for the Tail of the Dragon trip.
  15. S

    Hocking Hills Ohio cruise

    Awesome!! I need to meet this guy! Now we need a picture with 3 license plates together. Mine, his, and Tim's. It's going to be fantastic.

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