Recent content by supersnake

  1. S

    Confusion about 2014 Viper Prices and $15,000 Rebate

    So are you saying I should get $30,000 off because it is a 14? Or do you only get the coupon if you had a 14 before the coupon annoucement.
  2. S

    Confusion about 2014 Viper Prices and $15,000 Rebate

    I am wondering if this $15000 coupon is ONLY USA or is it where ever as I stopped at a Dealer here this morning and he said he knows nothing on a rebate or coupon or anything else. Just wondering as the Canadian Dealers do not know anything about it.
  3. S

    Deposit down and ordered Hellcat today

    I was told this morning that if you order with late availability parts, Since I ordered mine with the sunroof,They cannot put the order in. They will let me know when they put the order in.
  4. S

    GTS Hood on a SRT

    Not disputing, but it has SRT Badges, I have seen GT badges if it is a true GT Car. Also the dealer told me SRT wanted the car back to change the hood, I do believe him as it was the Owner of the dealership not a salesman BS.
  5. S

    GTS Hood on a SRT

    Went to my local Dealer tonight and they have a Stryker Green 14 SRT equipped with a GTS Hood. Thought it was strange. SRT apparently want this Car back to equip it with the correct hood but the dealer is going to keep it the way it is. Figures it could be the only one.
  6. S

    2014 TA Vanity Plate

    How about UDLOSE
  7. S

    Deposit down and ordered Hellcat today

    Ordered mine yesterday, Did you order the sunroof? It is suppose to be a late availability.
  8. S

    Deposit down and ordered Hellcat today

    Was At my dealer this afternoon and they were told not to bother ordering one as there is suppose to be only 12 to 14 built for Canada. The order guides are open though to order but figured we would not see one in Red Deer
  9. S

    Deposit down and ordered Hellcat today

    Did they actually put the order in or just take your money and tell you they will. I was told 2 days ago that they won't be able to order for another 2 weeks.
  10. S

    The current and future state of Viper sales and technology

    2000hp, 15ft wide, 24" tall, Sounds like an OLD Girlfriend
  11. S

    A Note to Dodge

    Actually, They can build 14s up to Dec 31 if they choose to. That is what happened with the 2012 Dodge Rams as there was a ton of them on the lots and also to get away from having to add DEF to the diesels. I know it is not the norm but they do not have to start 15s in June.
  12. S

    Limp Mode but drives fine next day?

    Dodge will replace ONLY a given failed injector and NOT all 10. I had this issue with mine as well, I had 2 Bad injectors 72 code. Dodge replaced all ten under warranty but mine was only a couple months old
  13. S

    2010 ACR Snakeskin Edition List

    Hssssss Owns 353 is# 13
  14. S

    [email protected]

    I would delete your Email and run and be thankful you did not send him any Money.
  15. S

    Hellcat versus Viper transmission

    Real Men Shift there own gears!!!!!!!!!

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