Recent content by TheEmissary

  1. T

    94 insurance cost for a young guy

    Try haggerty insurance, they insure classic cars. The viper falls under the classic car plate.Because it's more than twenty five years old. They might be in florida, but if they are they ensure the vehicle for it's collectible value, and you can drive the vehicle full-time. Unless you get a...
  2. T

    Fuel level sending units Update and Repost

    I had the sane problem, I order a new sensor from Viper Swag. Had my Viper Specialist, who only works on vipers here in Michigan. Install the new sensor and he also rebuilt the fuel pump, found out I had a leak in the gas tank. Will My mechanic diagnosed and fix everything.
  3. T

    GREAT VIPER Mechanic

    To those looking for a good Viper Mechanic in the detroit area near grass lake michigan Will Thorn. Will fixed my 94 Viper that had a missed reading fuel gage. I could fill the tank and drive a few miles and the tank would read empty. Will did a great job fixing this. Will Specializes in Dodge...
  4. T

    Soft top, rear hinge repair

    Here's the stuff he used, he said it's something you use for fiberglass boating repair
  5. T

    Soft top, rear hinge repair

    I'll have to ask him
  6. T

    Soft top, rear hinge repair

    My brother fixed my top, Thank God he came up with a good solution here are the images of what he did. The other images did not load, but he put carbon fiber and fiberglass around everything and sanded it and painted it.
  7. T

    Looking for Gen 1 Lemke top

    Looking for a Gen 1 top, not Gen 2. I have 2 soft tops, both broke no more investing in them. Anyone knows where I can get a Gen 1 top hit me up.