Recent content by Tombala

  1. Tombala

    Help with Gen V Service Manual

    If it requires IE then it means it's a set of HTML pages and any browser should open. After you insert the CD, go to your browser (chrome, edge, whatever) and select File->Open and navigate to the CD. I bet there's some kind of an index.html or some other file you can open manually to navigate.
  2. Tombala

    Car died when driving and won't start [w/ video link]

    Not resolved yet. Haven't had a chance to go back to it yet. Steve shared some pin out diagrams, too. I'll check all the lines. No idea what a vacuum line is. Didn't know there was one. :D
  3. Tombala

    Car died when driving and won't start [w/ video link]

    Ah, "pin outs" makes sense now. Thanks. Didn't know the term. Yes, some diagrams would do wonders. You in Indy, too, Steve? Where do you have your viper serviced? And any recommendations for a tow company to move it?
  4. Tombala

    Car died when driving and won't start [w/ video link]

    Thanks for the help anyway. It was scheduled to go into service tomorrow morning for the dying-while-driving issues. Now I can't even take it in!
  5. Tombala

    Car died when driving and won't start [w/ video link]

    Fair enough. Let me clarify. I turn *the key* to the crank position. Push the start button and nothing happens. But before I even push the start button, when the key is in the crank position, all the red lights are on on the dials on the right and the tuner display is dead without power. Then of...
  6. Tombala

    Car died when driving and won't start [w/ video link]

    You don't see me cranking because you can see the ECU display is dead and when it's like that, there's nothing happening when the start button is pushed. That's what I was trying to show in the video. It has no power at crank position of the key. I could have pushed the button but nothing...
  7. Tombala

    Car died when driving and won't start [w/ video link]

    It seems to get power after the first attempt at cranking and returning the key to the acc spot. Moving back to crank it loses power again. Why would it lose power in one position of the key but not the other?
  8. Tombala

    Car died when driving and won't start [w/ video link]

    This is interesting, at least for me since I've never seen something like this. For context, this is an '04 with RSI Twin Turbo. A few weeks ago as I was driving around 30-40 mph, so practically idling :), the car just died. Engine suddenly went quiet and I had to coast to a stop by the side...
  9. Tombala

    Indianapolis area Viper maintenance...

    New (to me) Viper owner here. Picked up this bad boy a couple of months ago. I am looking at trusty place to work on it for regular maintenance. It is definitely no longer stock, with 927WHP! I want a place that can work on this kind of a modified car in the Indianapolis area. Open to...

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