Recent content by 'Trust'

  1. T

    Custom ACR style stripe added (photos!)

    Looks really good! An accent stripe ~ twice the width next to it would look even better IMO. Wow, nice. I wish you could get that locally.
  2. T

    'Trust's Remote Mount TT Viper

    More than likely true, but on the street it sees full boost/spool at 3,500, I feel it's more of a loading issue. It's moving a column of air in the hotside, whether that column of air occupies a 6" pipe or a 120" pipe. 6060 will definitely be needed soon!
  3. T

    'Trust's Remote Mount TT Viper

    Thanks. It has -an lines that go to the turbos and it is pumped back by the scavenge pump, no dry sump.
  4. T

    'Trust's Remote Mount TT Viper

    All the piping either runs down the tunnel or the side sills, nothing hangs lower than the bell housing on the trans. The cold side piping by the IC is the same coupling on the ART Car and Hennessy kits. The car will more than likely get a larger front mount over the winter some adjustments to...
  5. T

    'Trust's Remote Mount TT Viper

    Haha, I'm a mod over there and LS cars were my first "performance cars", old habit. :D
  6. T

    2011 911 TT vs. 1997 Viper GTS

    I'm surprised, but good run. I have a friend with a 98 GTS that ran another buddy with a 2003 911 TT X50 car, both can drive well, Viper had about 2 cars on him until 120 and by 130/140 the Porsche was a head by a fender before the GTS shut it down. I'd venture to say that you are a really good...
  7. T

    SCT Question.

    I guess coming from the GM world of a powerful factory PCM with the ability to create custom OS' etc., it's hard to wrap my head around the fact that the PCM is behind. I can understand it on the Gen I and II's, the 92-97 GM PCM's were similar, but the Gen III and IV Viper PCM's have to have the...
  8. T

    SCT Question.

    I would imagine Jrod plans for over 1k to the tires, so he can keep up locally. I've got my old VEC Jared if you want, but you know Bryan hates it.
  9. T

    Gen II Main Bearing Caps....

    Are you still on the stock caps with the numbers in your sig? Had a chance to look at them since (dropping pan or something), any sign of walk/stress? I'm curious how strong the factory main caps are, they are braced well enough, and the motors don't turn a ton of RPM so ridiculous piston...
  10. T

    360 forged concave for gen 2 done...

    Awesome. I've been on the fence about some ADV.1 concaves for my car, I just don't want 18's in the concave, but I need 18's for the drag radial options. Oh the hard decisions we have to make.
  11. T

    New Viper Mod

    Interesting concept. A lot of times when the back two cylinders lean out it's because they are usually the last to get coolant and fresh air = hot, which makes them prone to detonate. I'd be curious to see how that works. On another note, his TB setup is crazy, and that wing is absolutely...
  12. T

    Mixed feelings about my new wheels

    I've always believed that the SSR spokes are too thin for Vipers, or most cars for that matter. However, the wheels being black helps. It looks fine to me.
  13. T

    Gen II re-sale seems the same if not more than Gen III

    Let's not forget that we are slowly pulling away from a recession. The issues in Egypt caused a very minor setback, but 09-10 were bad years for value of anything, unless you're trading short. Interesting point about the stop of production v. value, it's the oldest model in the book, supply...
  14. T

    18"s of snow fall in Chicago

    Yep, we got that storm Monday night - yesterday, 13" here and some stupid high snow drifts.
  15. T

    Ridelow RT/10

    The first picture of it you posted, minus the wheels, looks pretty sick. The rest, eh. The concept looks awesome, but both their roof lines would not work for anybody outside of Frodo.

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