Recent content by Viper Wizard

  1. V

    Ct Fall Foiliage Cruise Sunday Oct 27th!

    Those attending: Jimmy & Juliana (The Fangster) Ed & Courtney Wizard
  2. V

    Tator's Garage Tech Session 10/12

    Thank you all for coming out! You couldn't ask for any better weather! :sun: Hope you guys had some fun and maybe learned something? :hmmm: We even had a surprise visit....John Gastman of Roanoke Motors. Thanks for stopping by John! :cool: I think Ed got some pictures....O' Ed....:D...
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    Tator's Garage Tech Session 10/12

    It's that time of the year again for the Clubs Tech Session. This year we will be doing a differential change. A diff change is basically the same procedure on all generations with some differences and we will talk about them. Meeting time 0830-0930 for refreshments and Deviled Eggs! :smirk...
  4. V

    New Viper owner here in CT.

    Welcome and congrats Pony23! :2tu: Come on out this Saturday for the Clubs Tech Session. Here's the link:
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    Tator's Garage Tech Session 10/12

    It's that time of the year again for the Clubs Tech Session. This year we will be doing a differential change. A diff change is basically the same procedure on all generations with some differences and we will talk about them. Meeting time 0830-0930 for refreshments and Deviled Eggs! :smirk...
  6. V

    Fall Foliage Run October 6 2013 10:00 am

    Thank you Skeeter! That was a lot of fun and great seeing everyone! :2tu: Other then the Sun being so hot [you should see the back of my neck!:sun:], maybe we can do a Spring greenage cruise? :drive: Hopefully Ed got some good shots, did you need to use your Sun filter alot? :D
  7. V

    Fall Foliage Run October 6 2013 10:00 am

    We are on for Sunday!! :drive: Mike I'm leaving my place at 0830 if you want to meet me here? Next meeting spot, first reat area on I87 just North of I84 at 0900. This will be a lot of fun! :2tu:
  8. V

    Fall Foliage Run October 6 2013 10:00 am

    This will be a great cruise! Come out and join us and if anyone is leaving from my area, I'll be pulling out about 8:30. Let me know if you'd like to meet somewhere. Just think, that white stuff will be falling soon....:omg:....time to get some more driving in before that happens!! :drive...
  9. V

    Fall Foliage Run October 6 2013 10:00 am

    Looking forward to this cruise! :drive:
  10. V

    11th Annual Police Officer Tom Pisco Memorial Pound Ridge Car Show!

    Thanks to everyone that came out Saturday! :2tu: Had a little rain, only lasted an hour but everyone hung in there! :cool: Great pictures Ed! Thank you!
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    11th Annual Police Officer Tom Pisco Memorial Pound Ridge Car Show!

    only two days left to preregister! :headbang:
  12. V

    11th Annual Police Officer Tom Pisco Memorial Pound Ridge Car Show!

    September 21st 2013 [rain date 22nd] :drive: Here is the web site: Preregister by Sept. 14th = $15.00, day of the show $20.00. Here is the registration form: 5-7-13.pdf Last year there were over 350 cars! The Vipers had...
  13. V

    August 11th "Northeast Classic Car Museum" Norwich, NY

    This event will be re-scheduled for later this year. August is a tough Month, vacations, weddings and family stuff. We may try to combine our Fall Foliage and Norwich cruise together? And as soon as we have more info, I'll post up the details. Thank You!
  14. V

    Splash CT Brunch Cruise Aug. 4th 2013

    Thank you Jimmy, nice cruise! :clap2: Great to see everyone! Some good pictures there Ed! :2tu:
  15. V

    August 11th "Northeast Classic Car Museum" Norwich, NY

    Attending: Wizard Mike + 1 viperbiker + 1 Ed We need a final head count and also we need to decide on the food group [above], by the end of day Sunday the 4th! We need a least 12 people to make this cruise happen! :drive: Please chime in here or you can call/e-mail me 914-763-3136...

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