Recent content by ViperDad

  1. V

    Wiper Blades?

    PS this will not work with silicone rubber. Nothing sticks to silicone
  2. V

    Wiper Blades?

    I have long used the method of glueing with cyanoacrylate. The originals use the same glue and any cheap blade you can find to cut off the segment that is held to the blade back. Again, plain old superglue! Take it from a guy with over 5 decades of research in superglue! Just buy some generics...
  3. V

    2006 headlights

    Thanks I’ll check it out
  4. V

    2006 headlights

    Headlights for 2006. Any suggestions? Mine have gotten quite hazy probably beyond resurfacing the lenses.
  5. V

    Help with blown A.C. hose - 2001 RT-10

    Lots of hydraulic shops can easily duplicate the hose. Just take the old one in. I think they’ll even use the original fittings and just crimp on the new hose. Likely a lot less than a stock item. My old Xke was done this way and that’s decades older!
  6. V

    Heater stuck on?

    I had a similar issue with the air mix chamber under the hood, passenger side: ended up cracking the flap to go from outside air to cabin air. Figured it was a simpler solution to leave out that huge chamber and silicone an aluminum plate over the opening. Please post the details of your work as...
  7. V

    Power steering issues

    Getting in late on the discussion. If you've noticed scoring on the relief assembly, I'd worry about metal particulates. It's possible that they've been flushed with all the work you did but it's also possible that they may have settled in a low flow region. Don't know if it can be done but...
  8. V

    Paxton 2000 metal flecks on belt

    A further note on this rebuild. There is an idler pulley as seen in 5-c of the Paxton installation manual that should be inspected. The instructions have a sleeve/collar supporting the bolt on the mount plate side but the bolt-head side uses only 2 washers without a sleeve. This causes a lot of...
  9. V

    Paxton 2000 metal flecks on belt

    Hi, just reporting in on an unusual observation. My 06 has 71k miles including on the Paxton unit as it was installed new. Decided to rebuild the unit and during the removal I noticed the pulley on the Novi was rather rough. This didn't make any sense as I would have assumed a shiny grooved...
  10. V

    front wheel bering

    easy job to push the old bearing out. why pay 150 for the simple step of pressing a new one in? youtube has lots of videos on replacing one, or have a local machine shop do it in two minutes. max
  11. V

    Ignition switch short

    I'd check with local parts stores for the switch. Unlikely that they have a custom one for just the viper. My 2010 jeep accepts the viper key until you try and turn it; have made that mistake a few times. I'm betting it runs across the Chrysler lines and parts stores prices are a bit better than...
  12. V

    Heads up on strut life

    Decided to go with a simple cleaning of the seal area. I realized that starting fluid ether can serve as a nice volatile solvent and simultaneously blows off the dust. Figuring that keeping accumulations to minimums should help and timing the cleaning with oil changes.
  13. V

    Heads up on strut life

    Yah, mine too but the oil seepage is a concern. I just yanked it off and no signs of free play so it's still doing the job. Wondering if that exposed seal can be removed without major deconstruction? FYI, takes a spring compressor to get the unit out.
  14. V

    Heads up on strut life

    In my recent work that I have posted I discovered my driver rear unit is leaking. I have almost 62kmiles so I should be content. However I would have had more life out of it if it had a tubular shroud on the top to keep fine grit collecting on the shaft. I'm sure that wore out the seal ,thus the...
  15. V

    Huge safety issue

    " I remember my door would not open even if I pulled the handle all the way out! I thought this was just a feature of the car. Maybe I have a problem with my cable adjustment and need to have it corrected while the car is in the shop getting a new tranny." The cable has no adjustment. It...