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  1. B

    Foxnews says "Chrysler shuts down Friday for a month..

    Isn't it normal for the mfgrs to shut this time of the year? Retooling for the next year?
  2. B


    Dollars to donuts, everybody here has been over the limit at one time or another and drove.
  3. B


    When asked by a cop if you've been drinking--NEVER EVER EVER SAY YES, probable cause will exist. Refuse the dog and pony show on the side of the road also. It will be very difficult to prove intoxication if no evidence exists. Oh, and keep yer mouth shut---cop cars have recorders in them. Many...
  4. B

    Drilling Factory Brake Rotors

    Fats, whose rotors are those? Manufacturer?
  5. B

    Drilling Factory Brake Rotors

    My slotted and drilled Eurotechs are great!
  6. B

    New ACR. How to tie it down on a trailer?

    Would you please post some pictures of the "R" hooks? I use my tie down straps with the "J" hooks, but if there is a safer way, I'll do it. Thanks.
  7. B

    A/C problems on 2006 coupe questions..

    Take it to another dealer-- his story is all BS.
  8. B

    Dead 2006 Coupe

    Thanks for the info. John
  9. B

    Can your Viper catch a Ford Fiesta . . .

    Reminds me of a shopping center here in Georgia which was about to close and they used it for Invasion USA with Chuck Norris---tore the place up!!!!! I called to be an extra in the movie--could never get through.
  10. B

    I do not feel safe anymore, why?

    Ok, too far. Alignment first as per JDell. Ask here for recommendations close by.
  11. B

    I do not feel safe anymore, why?

    What state are you in? I can recommend a shop that will do perfect alignments and will not up sell you uneeded repairs/parts. My 95 and the 06 Viper are squirrely (is that a word) in Fla due to the high center crown of the roads.
  12. B

    How long have you owned your Viper???

    Took me a year and a half to find the yellow and tan interior gen one in San Diego. We were on vacation and had it shipped back. Kept her for about eight years. Got tired of getting caught in the rain with no windows or roof! Traded her in for an 06 coupe. I love em both. I would love to get the...
  13. B

    Splitters and Diffusers... FLAT or SATIN black?

    Anyone else remember the ballad from Paladin? Have gun will travel reads the card of a man, a knight without armour in a savage land.
  14. B

    Viper Owner Imposters here?

    Imposters? I admit I dont't own a VIper, but I DID stay at a Holiday Inn last night! Does that count?
  15. B

    Did you buy brand new for your first Viper?

    I looked for a year and a half to find a yellow RT with tan interior. At the time. they had stopped yellow. Found one in San Diego while on vacation and we bought it. Used with only 14K on the clock. I got to speak to the original owner which was nice since he too was an old fart like me. I...
  16. B

    Stolen for thought.

    After reading the previous post about the stolen viper from the garage, I've changed where I store my Vipers keys. For years they would be hung on hooks in plain view of the kitchen window on the upper deck. Simple process to get to them, open garage door and awaaaaaay she goes! Sorry for your...
  17. B

    Everybody tries to copy a viper.

    Was that the silver Miata?
  18. B

    Thank you!!!!!!

    A large thank you to Chris Marshall and Kcobean for repairing my account after I messed it up again! You guys are great! John
  19. B

    AMS still on for Saturday??

    Hey Chad, with all this rain, ya think AMS will be a go for Saturday?? John
  20. B

    I seem to have 3 SN's now.

    Help guys! I have 3 SN's. Can you combine all 3 into one? I care not which SN you pick, just let me post again. Thanks My date of birth is incorrect and I wish to have it mentioned again that I am an owner, and been on the board since 1991. Thanks, John
  21. B

    I seem to have 3 SN's now.

    Hi again guys. It's the computer dummy. I've been trying to post to no avail using Bandit118th SN. I checked in the members area and see that I have 3 SN's. Is there anyway to consolodate all into one, keeping me as an owner and listing ALL my post totals??? Thanks again. Anyone of the 3 SN's is...
  22. B

    New Best: [email protected] on DR's

    DAYEM!!!!! Are you still using the IRS??? Fantastic, nice job.
  23. B

    I can't believe is so dang hard to find a windshield...

    Try these people in Atlanta--they might have an outlet or know someone near you--price installed is 625.00 binswanger glass 404-873-1888
  24. B

    Lingh Tran is a great host at Rd Atl

    I stand corredted--thanks!
  25. B

    Greetings VCA!

    Doug, welcome, and like Jon B said, check out the 06 coupe. It's a steal!!!! John