OK I fiddled around with it yesterday its defiantly AC related, but not RPM or Fan speed related. It's both on the cool and heat circuit. Is near the airbag on the passanger side.
Is there any chance that there is a fan inside the AC lines to blow air to the passenger vent'?.
Its a 06 they look like they are painted black and then go back to gray on the inside further in the tube.
I just want to know if they are modified and if the cross over pipes are gone. It really pops, I want to cut down on the heat but its loud enough already.
New owner still getting used to the car. I have a squeaking sound that come out above the glove box when I turn on the air conditioning. One it pops up, off it goes away. Any clues.
Also any quick way to tell if you have a exhaust. I bought the car from a dealer who told me it was stock but...
Short answer yes they are. They just cut two lines on the shette instead of one per side and you yank out the negitive that you do not want on the car.
I was always under the impression that stripes were for identifying cars on the track pre in-helmet radio. That the pit placards would be tied to the color.
There is at least a few tall tales of Porsche using special colors on the tails of the 550 spyders to signify to the crews who was a...
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