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  1. MoparBoyy

    What rearend do we have? Can we use a TA Girdle Cover? ---

    congrats on the new ride. you can just jack it up, spin the tires, count the driveshaft rotations. i
  2. MoparBoyy

    rate my tip

    my Belengers stick out about that far.. hard to tell from this angle of the picture.
  3. MoparBoyy

    rate my tip

    when i saw "rate my tip" i was really afraid to click the thread.
  4. MoparBoyy

    What rearend do we have? Can we use a TA Girdle Cover? ---

    rear shot. in order to get the cover off to look at the gears you have to take the whole thing out. not sure why you would do that just to look at it.
  5. MoparBoyy

    What rearend do we have? Can we use a TA Girdle Cover? ---

    umm.. have you not looked under your car before?
  6. MoparBoyy

    my new autoform wing

    ya place is alright :) (this was the day before we moved in)
  7. MoparBoyy

    Dustin Kessler RT-10 Photo Shoot

    awesome! i'd get some of those blown up for around the house.
  8. MoparBoyy

    Post up the best pic of your GEN V.

    heres mine! was prolly 7 mins into using the Gen 5 in Forza.
  9. MoparBoyy

    my new autoform wing

    agreed, thats why i got the real version. unless i hit the lotto i will have this car for a long time. well if i do, i will still have the car it would just be modded as heck :)
  10. MoparBoyy

    my new autoform wing

    ya those are on my list of things to do..
  11. MoparBoyy

    my new autoform wing

    Thanks :) it really is bad ass.. its a mild 73 degrees in here all year long, can't ever go wrong with that.
  12. MoparBoyy

    my new autoform wing

    have always loved a winged GTS.. now I got one. :D took about 2 hours to install, man it hurts drilling into your baby. Still have KNGSNKE's diffuser blades to install and start shopping for next upgrade project. :rolaugh: (****ty cell phone pics) \
  13. MoparBoyy

    The 100,000 High Mileage Club

    My old minivan had 750,000 on it before it was totaled in a accident :( she would have made 1 million for sure
  14. MoparBoyy

    Oh c'mon, you have to be kidding me...

    when you say it doesn't start. does it crank over the engine or just nothing like the battery is dead?
  15. MoparBoyy

    Viper drag race info at Nopi Nationals!

    tell Lee to run up there and just take it all.
  16. MoparBoyy

    With gas priced predicted to dip below $3 gal, do you think Dodge can make enough?

    Re: With gas priced predicted to dip below $3 gal, do you think Dodge can make enough government makes more money off high gas prices, they will not stay low for long.
  17. MoparBoyy

    Moving to Tampa

    nice, you'll also enjoy being able to drive your car year round. i moved from Chicago a year ago.. best idea ever.
  18. MoparBoyy

    Viper ACR crash: Has this been posted anywhere?

    you sir.. are an idiot.
  19. MoparBoyy


    mine was perfect and unopened.
  20. MoparBoyy

    yay, new Viper toys just arrived

    :cool: (pic is from facebook, hope all can see.)
  21. MoparBoyy

    KC Exotic and Super Car Group Drives (Lots of Vipers)

    we dont even have hills like that :( but i can drive my call all year long.
  22. MoparBoyy

    2 Vipers at local car show

    ummm.. a trailer hitch?? NICE!
  23. MoparBoyy

    2 Vipers at local car show

    damn, wish i would have known, i would have came by..
  24. MoparBoyy

    Oil pan gasket: Fel-pro or OEM

    :2tu: exactly.
  25. MoparBoyy

    Veyron Super Sport is testing the Nurburgring...

    true dat. Veryon is awesome and all, but its Fugly.