You do realize they tried that right? Did you listen to the phone call? They tried a vote of no confidence and then Lee got on the all and it went to ****. They did it again a couple days later and actually got the vote which would have removed Lee from the club and then Lee layered up...
So you think the others on the board was quiet and never said anything??
is that why Lee suspended them? cause they were so "not doing anything"? Is that why when Lee when on the rampage and suspended everyone people turned in there resignations? they were trying to change things, and...
So now it's the Alley's fault? lol
If it wasn't for the Alley you wouldn't have ever seen:
Chrysler letter
Lee's responses to the letter
Tim W letter
Chris Marshalls letters to the BOD
The info on the raffle
Everthing would have been swept under the rug and membership would have been told...
There is a good reason for that. He has been proven to be a lair. People are looking for facts and not his spin on the facts.
He has refused numerous times to let the BOD see the books of the VPA. That would have been a good place to start.
Try reading this thread, it's a perfect example...
Another BOD member at the time posting on the subject. The letter was written AFTER the BOD meeting in Jan. but Lee, Chris, Marv would tell you that Tim was removed in Jan. Why? He hadn't even written the letter yet.
But if Mary was hired to save the VCA money wouldn't that imply that the VCA was paying JRT and not Chrysler? Or, was Mary hired to save Chrysler money? I'm confused..
You would be incorrect. After the letter was sent out they retroactively removed Tim from the board. Yes, retroactively. This has been confirmed by numerous BOD members, well former BOD members. They did this so they could deny that Tim was on the BOD to Chrysler. Chrysler wasn't stupid...
You do realize the Chrysler and SRT still use JRT right? The money has never stopped from them. Do you know who sets up all the ALMS and LeMans VIP packages that people buy....JRT.
Which is it? JRT told the VCA they didn't want them as a customer anymore OR that the VCA could no longer...
Did you even read the Tim W letter? He WAS on the BOD at the time and even claimed to be a BOD member in the letter.
The VCA is also still paying Tim W $5k/mo. Your ok with the club continuing to pay the person that is trying to get Ralph fired??
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