Search results

  1. E


    right back at ya sr98 and some nice carving there too
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    Attention all lady viper owners

    what he said :woot:
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    Mirror Lights will not turn off

    good news bob :2tu: 1 question, is there any danger in removing the cable there (arc, short) :dunno: :drive:
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    Improving Look of My Engine Compartment (Pic)

    can't tell from your pic, but if you have a sneaky pete hood pad, painting him and adding graphics looks custom
  5. E

    Improving Look of My Engine Compartment (Pic)

    hard to argue with that, looks great dave
  6. E

    Video of my 209 mph Texas Mile pass!

    very nice, like the video angles congrats :drive:
  7. E

    Hit One Show Before The End Of The Season

    that is just too much shine for 1 car :omg: congrats :drive:
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    Looking to buy Paxton or roe gts.....anyone selling?,809.0.html
  9. E

    RT10 hardtop market

    gts lines look :2tu: gen 1 only :dunno:
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    Danny Sullivan driving my GTS

    coool & nice photos :headbang:
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    Stupid question about checking oil.

    this much info makes you well read here :2tu:
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    Stupid question about checking oil.

    what he said :drive:
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    my trans just threw up.

    man, that stinks at least your car will be in good hands
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    you left out the next step:
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    yeah, everyone says that :rolleyes: :D
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    2 lbs of boost got me...

    best thing you can do is prove them wrong congrats on your pending nuptials :tx: 2#=good, 4#-6#=better :drive:
  17. E

    Oops! I did it again (again)!

    hope you feel better soon though around here it seems to recur somewhat regularly congrats
  18. E

    Just Purchased my 2002 RT 10

    did you attach a float charger :eater:
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    Does anyone remember "soup"?

    sorry itv, but you are a bit young for this :nono:
  20. E

    Does anyone remember "soup"?

    i still think there should be an "r" in "fums" :stick: