hey magnus, op is the minority view (i hope)
hang around at least until we find out if it is the authoritative view
and btw, i learned from your post
dave, buddy :eater:
i've read this entire thread :eater:
and now know for sure that :eater:
being a member keeps one from stupidity is all things viper :omg:
ms. congrats, nice work
and thanks for the additional pics, :2tu:
do you have more you can post (rear, inside, under the hood)
that hood has always been 1 of my favorites
i have used a similar product on an old central a/c system and it worked like a charm
i have also used red angel with very good results (in a mercedes, not the viper) - looks like similar stuff and packaged for automotive use...
jwolf, 1st off thank you so much for the fine video, (well done as usual - pics, full on and full off :2tu: )
well thought out, on and off safe and smooth
the vid answered all my questions and i think a clone lift is now on my todo list :headbang:
thanks again
mb, i know you are a tech (so props to your post), but i had good, really good results with an ac leak seal product (not the cheap old stuff at wally world), they are not all the same and some are "hi tech" and in some situations worth a try
op. ymmv
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