Well spotted! Yes the rims currently on the car are chromed, but unfortunately are starting to flake in a few places, so will be returning to a nice fresh set of fully refurbed stock rims soon. Not sure what rims will end up on it in the long term yet though... :2tu:
It's been a little over a month now since the sale, but after 2 and half years of ownership, I sold my 94 RT/10 and have bought an immaculate 97 GTS.
To say that I am extremely happy with my new toy is an major understatement... I had one of my dream cars, I now have the one I always wanted...
Get in contact with Neil over here in the UK (Neil-uk)
He is able to supply virtually anything related to vinyl or stickers you may require.
Hi guys, in need of the following Mag's in order to complete the set up to date... If anyone has any duplicates of the following, or has any of these that they are looking to clear out, please let me know. (Only 8 out of 59 needed...)
Fall 2001
Spring 1999
Summer 1999
Spring 1998
He asked me about a Black Hennessey RT that he followed at Supercar Sunday... I told him I had no idea who's that was, I assumed it was the one advertised on PH, which is stickered up as a Hennessey but doesn't actually appear to be one?
Didn't know there was a Silver Hennessey SRT in the...
A club member over here in the UK knocked one of these up for me as a surprise... Great result... He is more than happy to make more up if anyone is interested and will happily send across the pond. I'm really pleased with the result, it really tidies up that area of the engine bay.
If anyone...
1:43 in both colour schemes available on ebay...
EAGLE 1/43 609009 DODGE VIPER RT/10 LE MANS 1994 #40 on eBay, also, Universal Hobbies, Diecast Vehicles, Toys Games (end time 23-May-09 09:51:36 BST)
EAGLE 1/43 610005 DODGE VIPER RT/10 LE MANS 1994 #41 on eBay, also...
Unfortunately our next big-ish club meet is the 3rd May at Silverstone. Will you be based in London for the few days you are here, or travelling anywhere else? None of our members live in central London, but a few on the outskirts and then dotted round the country.
I have the RT/10... Didn't know they had done a GTS as well though!
I'm extremely tempted, but I'm going to stop myself from bidding...
They had the RT's for sale in a local model shop years ago, an ex-girlfriend was going to buy one for me, and I talked her out of it... Many years later...
Re: Need pantone or RAL number to match red brake calipers for next batch of Brake Co
Can't help with the paint codes I'm afraid, but glad you've decided to make red sets Tom... I'll be putting my name down for a set of those... Luckily haven't got round to installing the black ones I bought...
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