mine does the same thing when it is cold out side. does not like to go in gear easily. once warmed up, no problems. i did , however, changed ALL fluids over a year a go, just in case.
i thought i recognized the car, its one mean son of a bitch, with roll cage set up for racing....best of luck and have fun with it. By the way looks a ton better in your picture than his pics of ebay.
its dollars and sense….i see no any logical reason from what you are saying for you to get rid of your current car. you are fortunate enough to own one. by the way, doing extra padding on the door panel and console would not require robing a bank, unless you start tearing up seats and everything...
Awesome set up, just curious from the other pics i see regular michelin sports on your car. with the massive horsepower are you going different tires in the rear?
Looks great. just watch out for speed bumps, driveways, sudden road dips…i raised my car back up just for that reason, got tired of hearing that heart wrenching sound….
:Same with most insurance companies now....if you're doing a parade lap at an event to save blind orphaned chipmunks at 10 mph on a race track surface and somehow you crash, chances are you're not going to get covered if you're honest about the incident.
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