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    My New 2013 Viper!

    Ferraritoviper loves ESC. Here's his old thread from his 09 crash. I wouldn't put money on a car at least 2 years away but then my coffers aren't overflowing either. He can spend his money anyway he wants. I just hope there is no ESC in the next Viper. BTW, my Ram's rear end was trying to meet...
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    Bad experience with the viper today...

    Viper paparazzi! 13 years and it still happens all the time. Get used to it.
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    Anyone here on the board from LA heard about the missile mistery?

    Why is no one talking of a failed terrorist attempt?
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    Last run to Splash for brunch???

    I might be in if it's the coming weekend. The weekend after that, I have to find and fix a power steering problem in the Viper.
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    Autoweek guess about the new Gen V Viper

    Just got my Autoweek. It looks better than a Gen III/IV but doesn't blow my socks off yet!. The design seems to be a clash of curves and edges. What made the Gen II design so great was it was all curves NOT edges. I wish the designers get the theme right: CURVES NOT EDGES OR ANGLES! Arguably...
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    just saw the new viper at VOI and......

    Gen III/IV guys need not worry. The grapevine says pricing is between $110K and $130K which is expected when Ferrari (Fiat) is involved with some of the engine design. I wish Pininfarina is involved too! Unfortunately at the mid 6-digit pricing level the Viper has degenerated into a snob car. I...
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    New door system for Gen V Viper.

    Probably the same way I do on my Gen2: with a lot of pain and aggravation. And that's not counting the 7 types of fasteners (9 if you count lug nuts and wheel locks) to get to the battery.:mad: Just give me regular doors.
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    Would you support a V8 Viper?

    The Viper became a supercar on the power of it's V10 and should stay that way. Any dilution of that fact is a dilution of the model. By that same token, I would not want to see a V12 Viper either.
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    4-post lifts at Cosctco

    I think I'll buy this from Costco. I have a tractor loader that I could use for unloading.
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    WARFANG Passed away a few months ago at 36

    My condolences to the family. Like Chuck, I too related to Warfang's say-no-to-TC approach.
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    viper crash in keys

    Or you say what my devout mother-in-law says, "the Lord works in mysterious ways!":lmao: I'm glad this guy walked away.
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    2010 Viper Pics (With Stripes)

    You nailed it. That is fugly! And I guarantee it will look worse in person. I can't fathom what the designers were thinking when they came up with this paint scheme.:dunno: The 96/97 GTS paint scheme is still the quintessential Viper.:2tu:
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    can any viper drive silky smooth at low revs ??

    Throttle sync! Unless the roads you drive on are bumpy, which can cause slight movement in the accelerator pedal to feel like surging.
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    rear caliper tool needed

    +1 on the needle nose pliers. Learnt that one from the wizard.
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    So do GTS's get more attention than SRT's?

    GTS vs SRT will always go to GTS if they are in like colors. Throw in snakeskin green, purple and all the exotic combinations and ACR/X and you have it even. But do you care about how it looks to others or how it looks to you? Go with what YOU like.
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    Anybody know if I can title a new car without paying taxes?

    As far as I know, registering a car is the same as getting a license plate and that means you will pay taxes. But it's a simple enough question to head to your local DMV and ask an office manager. As to your lender, ask them if they will accept the MSO instead.
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    2 Dead in Viper Crash: :(

    This thread should not have anything to do about whether he was a cop or not. It doesn't make sense. Anyone here who has owned any car has broken the speed limit. Accidents happen and the Viper needs to be respected for it's power. What matters is that 2 people lost their lives. :rip:
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    Mr Tator...Any News?

    It would be strange for Chrysler to offer that letter to Chuck because his argument was for Vipers and Vipers are at the end of the line. But you never know! I wish him the best.
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    20 cylinders, 1000+ HP!

    I think it's an Olympus E620!:2tu:
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    Converting Engine Compartment Nuts/Bolts to Stainless

    I'm not sure of the sizes you need but I came across "stainless steel wing nuts" on McMasterCarr. Just search for the words.
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    RT VIN 00002 Engine reunited with car

    That's awesome. So how much did the engine cost? C'mon everyone's dying to know!
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    Hitler pissed about the Viper ACR (Video I made)

    That was just awesome! Thanks! :2tu::usa::lmao:
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    New plate came in for the GTS

    I agree with Dave here. If I was to see this plate on the road, I'd be scratching my noggin wondering whether it's a custom or regular plate. It's not intuitive.
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    Stability Control and my 2009 SRT crash

    +1 on all of the above. I should also add that your practice session should not last more than 15 minutes. Keep a printout of this post in the car. If you are in earnest, most cops are very understanding and only the most anal will ticket you.
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    Send some snow north, will ya? My kids sled has been sitting out all winter and our biggest storm was only about 2-3". I've got a 240' driveway to shovel but I don't mind.