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    Power steering is too tight.

    Thanks for the ideas. I'll start this little project when the temps get into the 50s. Will keep you posted.
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    Power steering is too tight.

    My GTS' power steering feels non-existant AT TIMES. But that's the keyword: AT TIMES. I have changed the fluid and the problem has not gone away. This has existed for a long time now but of late, it's gotten really bad. It's worse in slow speed turns (parking lots, exit ramps) but now it's been...
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    Stability Control and my 2009 SRT crash

    I've said this before and I'll say it again. Breaking traction under hard acceleration requires smooth and fast reflexes to maintain control and requires muscle memory. Learning to break traction under controlled conditions, such as in an empty parking lot, and then recovering is the best way to...
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    Wrecked friday night

    Damn, that looks bad. For a second, I thought that paper bag in the first shot was his noggin! I'm glad he's still alive since the driver section looks like a disaster. I don't recall seeing a Viper looking this bad in the passenger or driver section. And for those who haven't learnt yet...
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    From the side or from the rear?

    +1 :lmao: Gen II driver here calling it like a Viper should be: side exit.
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    PLEASE, please post some photos of the eagles.
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    +1. Hasn't it been a strange winter with two 20" plus storms south of New England and none here. I'm in southern Fairfield county in CT near the NY border and it's dry as dry can be. If this becomes a trend, the ski resorts might have to move south on the Appalachians. :lmao:
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    My Family Needs Your Vote

    I voted, you're at 60% with Bob and Maria Miller's 1979 Pontiac Trans Am at 27%.
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    Another one bites the dust.

    The Vipers are amazingly sturdy in rollover crashes. At least amongst Gen IIs, I can't recall a rollover with a deformed roof. They seem to hold up pretty well.
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    Theft History and Resale Value

    Theft history would be of no concern unless I see related damages to either frame or engine. But it doesn't harm to use it as a bargaining chip.
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    Hey Girlies...

    Hi Roy, how's your Viper coming along? P.S. The black ice was crazy this morning! No doubt, a bountiful day for the body shops!
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    My ACR nosecam vid from Sebring

    Nice! Someone's having fun in winter.
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    I like the last shot of the Vette. Are you riding in the back of a pickup/SUV to get the blur of movement? You can't be far away at 45mm. I should also add that you need a little more blur (slower shutter). The other shots are great too but I didn't particularly care for those with the sun in...
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    Do i need to let me car viper warm up before driving it?

    Out in the northeast, my shifter feels very stiff for the first few miles. Now you can't really warm up a tranny without running the car, so I'd say run it lightly until it shifts smoothly. Same goes for the rest of the car.
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    Viper Coffee Mug????

    +1. Unfortunately I broke 3 out of 4 VOI5 wine glasses while moving. Viva Las Viper!
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    My Viper is Totaled

    Glad your dad is fine. Too bad the car is wrecked. I hope it works out for you. I didn't think "dad" would have to be on the restricted drivers' list. And thanks to your story, I'm going to replace my aging, dirty, crooked, wicked_scary_bent_up_to_the_gas_pedal floor mat after 13 years.
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    What features/options should next Gen Viper have?

    My vote would have been on the "priced under $100K" button (and I don't mean 99K) but it was not in the poll! :dunno:
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    My DIY car skates. (wheel dollies)

    Nice and ingenious but the caster rating does seem a bit short. Perhaps your garage floor is perfectly flat. I could not get away with it in my garage. Do patent your idea before I do! :2tu: +1 on the Tim Hortons. :headbang:
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    About Dodge Dealerships (post good for first-time buyers)

    I've not had good experiences with the Boston area techs when I lived there but that was a long time back. They couldn't do a simple oil change without screwing up. I second Tators and would like to point out that Tator's Garage actually has 2 great Viper techs: the wizard himself and his...
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    Vipers stolen from Ringold Dodge in Tn

    Emoticon smilies :), Tom and Mark. Use them. Happy Twenty Ten! :2tu:
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    Anyone using a Dannmar 4 Post Lift ?

    Could you be more specific? What did you research or buy?
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    How to Drive a Viper

    My favorite suggestion (I've made it too many times) is to drive to an empty parking lot (preferably on a wet day) and slalom your way with a very heavy foot. The car will spin donuts, you will have a blast and learn how to drive until you are at max power without losing control. Obviously you...
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    Anyone using a Dannmar 4 Post Lift ?

    I like it. I think I can fill up the space below real fast with a Cobra. And 2% back @ Costco plus 1% back on Amex! I'm talking to the wife!
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    iPhone pics of my B/W

    The new Droid phone is at 5Mp !!! Nice pics!
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    | Wicked New Wheel for the Viper |

    Loves the Fives and Mesh!