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  1. S

    So this idiot got schooled today

    Here's one line in that link: "I always dress immaculately, often in Purple." Those blue jeans weren't purple, or immaculate.
  2. S

    Something you don't see everyday.

    I bet that big green thing has a trailer hitch, don't it?
  3. S

    LOL, is this possibly right about Viper's fuel economy?

    They measure things differently up there. :) Who knows what those frozen northerners do when we're not watching them. Bob
  4. S

    So this idiot got schooled today

    Boy, you catch the details! I'm impressed.:)
  5. S

    Ripped the crotch outta my pants getting out of my SSG!

    I'm 5'10" and a hell of a lot skinnier than you. I didn't worry about ripping my crotch (that sounds bad) but I kept leaving scuff marks from my shoes on the lower part of the door and sill, especially when in the garage (can't get the door all the way open).
  6. S

    Damn....Got bit!

    Oooooohhhh, don't say that! That's one of the quickest ways to anger a resident of Hawaii! I accidently let that slip when I was there and the local I said that to politely explained to me the proper tourist etiquette. cheers, Bob
  7. S

    Damn....Got bit!

    Congratulations on that find. I'm sure the pickins is mighty slim in Hawaii.
  8. S

    Meet my new girlfriend with green hair & 2 black stripes acroos her forehead!

    Your new girlfriend, huh? It looks much nicer than the Mercury Mistress of Saturday Night Live fame. Bob
  9. S

    Deal done on a '09 ACR

    Bruce, what is the car in the background? Is it a modern Challenger? What's the asking price of that?
  10. S

    Wash Brushes

    How about a goose down brush? That sounds like a winner.;)
  11. S

    Unwritten rule - if you have a 3 piece wheel you want the hardware visible

    I think it is foolish to buy something that does not appeal to you.
  12. S

    Motor Week VIPER SRT10 Road Test Starts Airing on 3/12

    Can you do me a favor and re-post that on, say, March 11? My memory isn't that good.
  13. S

    What other "Toys" do you have?

    Nice house! :D
  14. S

    unique paint job

    No, no! I disagree. The artwork on the Viper is pretty darn good, even though it ruined the value of the Viper. Your buddy's talents, on the other hand, borders on genius. I would rather have that Johnny Cash guitar in my house than the original Mona Lisa.
  15. S

    unique paint job

    How do you catch a tame Viper? Tame way.
  16. S

    unique paint job

    Isn't one person going to say something nice about it? Okay, me neither. :crazy2::crazy2::crazy2::crazy2::crazy2:
  17. S

    2004 SC Viper Stars in Video

    Are you sure? They might be getting turned on by big, muscular black dudes.
  18. S

    2004 SC Viper Stars in Video

    I only watched this because the original poster said there was a Viper in it. That was a huge price to pay just to see a Viper. Do people really enjoy this kind of music? Oh, my gawd, I sound like my grandparents. They didn't understand rock 'n roll. Man, I'm getting old.
  19. S

    Classified Ad Question.

    Has anybody noticed that in the 2009 convertible section of the classifieds there are three cars listed? One is an '08, another is an '09 and the third is a '10 model. :eater:
  20. S

    Dannmar D7-X 4 Post Lift Experience

    Did you watch the installer assemble it? You said he did it by himself so there weren't any super heavy pieces that required two people. Do you think the assembly is something that requires someone familiar with the product or could any old buyer (like me) put it together fairly easily?
  21. S

    Question on car in classifieds?

    The worst insult you can pay a person is to ignore them. It hurts more than a punch in the nose. Think about it ...
  22. S

    I'm back in a Viper

    Did somebody grab "Fangs" already?
  23. S

    Ignore List...

    Anything that hurts we'll kiss and make all better! :kiss:
  24. S

    Question on car in classifieds?

    Just to stir up the pot a little more - the ad for this car in the VCA classifieds says it has "Antilock Brakes". Is that what ABS is, or does ABS mean something else?
  25. S

    Locked keys in 2004

    File cabinet, hmmm? And where do you live?:nono: