Well the day started out with some pretty dense fog so nobody got going till around 10:30 My first run was ok but the track past the 1000' mark was a bit loose so I had to get out of it. The next pass was ok. In the finals I hit the red light -.006 so I was finished. Had fun though.... I saw...
I will look for him. Looks like a nice day. I started up the donation request for the officer Jim Capoot shot in Vallejo last week, so I best show up. That was truely a bad day for family, friends and the community. We are trying to raise some additional money to help. All the contestants, and...
I am going Sunday for sure just preped the car. That was a great time Rich. My PB is 11.55. Be fun to race together. If you going let me know. There are a couple classes to run in under 12 sec and over 12 sec. and of course the trophy class which is cheaper to run in. or you can run both trophy...
the top plug is for the diff cooler so the bottom plug is the only one you need to deal with. I actually made that mistake by filling the upper one. I finally realized I had the wrong plug when it was taking more oil that I ever put in before. I had to drain it and refill. Felt like a dumb ass.
Rich I had my car all set to go but, work got in the way again and I didn't finish till 8pm The 27 of November will be the final Sunday for racing and I am bound and determined to get there.
Why spent all that money? My mostly stock 04 runs 11.55 but never topped 123mph. It has just a few bolt-ons the list is as follows. A mail in tune from DC Performance, A ported intake from Todd at BBG in Sacramento, A BBK TB, Good wires from Parts Rack, Thats it to the motor. The drivetrain...
I have to bet that the Feds or the EPA must have something to do with not being allowed to modify the newer engines. Didn't the republican caniadate Perry say something about abolishing them LOL or try to say something like that?
I have lost most of my races to 15 second cars or better... They just step on the gas and go no burn out no nothing if they get a good reaction time it's nearly impossibel to catch them unless you dial up some and then let off at the end Stragety plays a big part. It sucks to lose to them. I...
Rich that sounded like a good night. I run mine around 18 psi and warm them up before launch. those are great times. I have broke out more than once but, I enjoy trying to improve my times. If you don't make it next Wed try to go on sunday the 27th. I am going to try and make it out both dates...
Damm Rich If I knew you were going I would have come out. One wed left and I am determined to make it out and then theres the Sunday final summit run on the 27 which I will be there for sure. I will be watching on 1320 tonight.
I forgot to mention I also have K&N and the 180 stat. When I talk about trap speeds there are many things that come into play launch, shifting, gears, play the biggest part I ran 3;73 prior to the 3:55 and the car was looking for 5th at the trap. I think my best was 123 mph trap but consistant...
My mods are minimal and he has never even seen my car. I mailed in the CPU. I run a BBK TB which is really nothing better than the stock one IMO I have good wires, a ported intake. corsa with stock cats and no headers. OS giken 3:55 dif. Thats it runs 11:55 119 MPH
If you want to drag race go buy a drag car. Under 10 second cars complete for under the price of the crate motor. http://www.racingjunk.com/category/18/Complete-Race-Cars.html
It's all about air the more you can push through the motor the faster you go. I think with this 650 hp setup a cam I think would be essential and I think you must need headers also. I am concerned about the bottom end. IMO
I wonder if it will be street legal in Calif. One thing for sure it won't last long on the dragstrip. NHRA rules state any car under 11.5 needs an NHRA approved rollbar welded to the frame. No if's and's or but's. And no doubt that motor will run under 11.5. My near stock Gen3 runs 11.55. Thats...
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