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  1. Bruce H.

    Hot Tip...Buy the Gen V Collectible while you can still afford to

    Thanks! I don't actually know what any of the stages/status are, and apparently we don't have access to an on-line system here in Canada. The one I'm interested in will signify it's been loaded on a truck and has just left the yard :)
  2. Bruce H.

    Hot Tip...Buy the Gen V Collectible while you can still afford to

    Got the word today that a lovely black collectible has just rolled off the line and was headed for final inspection! If I'm just half as happy as every other Gen V buyer is then I'm going to be ecstatic. It's become very obvious to some that there's a complete disconnect between the price of...
  3. Bruce H.

    Hot Tip...Buy the Gen V Collectible while you can still afford to

    It's all good, Bob. The original topic was covered, the modability is an aspect of Viper collectiblity and value that I hadn't fully appreciated, and the possibility of discovering faulty components can certainly affect collectibility as well. It's just a wonder more car don't have them...
  4. Bruce H.

    Pass on your support for the Gen V and its team to Ralph Gilles

    Well, reference to "a beast" seems appropriate for anything Viper!
  5. Bruce H.

    Hot Tip...Buy the Gen V Collectible while you can still afford to

    Thanks guys. I totally get it now, and although it's not something I'd do for my track use, I can see modability is a big benefit to the community, and really everyone who owns one. Anything that helps profile the car is a very good thing, and the Gen V could stand to get a little more attention!
  6. Bruce H.

    Pass on your support for the Gen V and its team to Ralph Gilles

    I'm surprised my inbox isn't full from you guys writing a quick letter to tell your story. Include your name and I'll forward it with your email address attached. Thanks cashcorn, and I hope you get yours soon too!
  7. Bruce H.

    Drive one and you will buy one!

    That's awesome, and it will fit nicely into your impressive collection! Do you plan to track it?
  8. Bruce H.

    Ralph wants/needs an automatic

    Paul, I personally share these views, and while I won't have driven a Viper until mine comes in shortly, the disappointment with the auto tranny driving experience is the reason I was in the market to buy a new high performance car in the first place. I seldom seem to be drawn to buy or do what...
  9. Bruce H.

    Ralph wants/needs an automatic

    I expect they'll be just fine also. I tend to be a little easier on brakes than some, but do have the acid test brake zone for them every 95 seconds or so at Mosport. Will share those test results!
  10. Bruce H.

    Hot Tip...Buy the Gen V Collectible while you can still afford to

    That does makes sense 01... thank you. I've suspected a tuning solution might eventually be available, but knowing for certain that it will be would increase demand now, even if modding wasn't done by many. Supra desirability and value is likely much higher because of the buzz created by the...
  11. Bruce H.

    Hot Tip...Buy the Gen V Collectible while you can still afford to

    Curious what percentage of prospective 2015+ Gen V buyers you all think would want to buy the car for say $100-140k and then turbo or S/C it? Are the hard-care power junkies more apt to buy a used car, or even older Viper to do this, and do you think there is a significant enough number willing...
  12. Bruce H.

    Ralph wants/needs an automatic

    I thought I was being anal about braking performance when choosing the TA, and felt convinced at the time I couldn't possibly run out of brakes on the track...hoping I'm right!
  13. Bruce H.

    Ralph wants/needs an automatic

    I just can't imagine somebody placing that much importance on a DCT in a car as unique and appealing as the Gen V. I can see having preferences, absolutely, and if somebody couldn't physically operate a manual they would be delighted to just have a automatic as an option, but I can't see them...
  14. Bruce H.

    Ralph wants/needs an automatic

    I would suggest that no one here has a clue what SRT's vision is, never-mind what they'll announce or introduce a month from now. All we know is what they say, and that's not much as one would expect. If they were working on a DCT tranny they'll keep it under wraps until the last possible...
  15. Bruce H.

    Pass on your support for the Gen V and its team to Ralph Gilles

    Many of you recognize the daunting challenges that were involved in bringing the Viper back from extinction, and appreciate the passion and monumental effort of a very small core group of hard-core enthusiasts at SRT. What they've accomplished is nothing short of amazing by any measure, and...
  16. Bruce H.

    Hot Tip...Buy the Gen V Collectible while you can still afford to

    Vipers are already collectibles, with large numbers sitting in existing collections now. Current and future values will vary with many factors, and I while I wouldn't buy any as an income earning investment, Vipers are definitely bona-fide collectibles.
  17. Bruce H.

    sad news...viper plant shuttered until end June.

    Here's a quote from the other site just posted in their corresponding shutdown thread... "During our board call last night an SRT representative explained the plant shutdown to us. Essentially, no the Viper is not going away. Orders this month are up over last month. SRT is happy with the...
  18. Bruce H.

    sad news...viper plant shuttered until end June.

    I believe the 93/33/33 number of TA's was just for 2014, and I have no doubt they will not change that number. Hopefully they will continue the model for 2015 (different colors?). I expect they'll continue to improve its performance, and hopefully make them available for 2014 TA's as...
  19. Bruce H.

    According to Ralph Gilles

    Thanks for posting. What was the source for that? It does confirm what many think.
  20. Bruce H.

    sad news...viper plant shuttered until end June.

    I don't have a problem with positive and constructive comments from outspoken people at all. I can't help but notice that they aren't the ones getting banned on forums so maybe I'm not alone. I'm going to try to copy and paste your user name into my "Ignore List" now and see if practice makes...
  21. Bruce H.

    SRT Prices

    That low $109k price sounds like one dealer with a filthy dirty TA panicking and then another feeling obligated to matching it. Both cars are sold now so you may never see that low of a price again. Didn't take buyers long to figure out it was a screaming deal at $109k...and poof, gone! Bruce
  22. Bruce H.

    sad news...viper plant shuttered until end June.

    Can you elaborate on your alleged discussion with Ralph? Sounds odd given your publically posting on your anti-Ralph/Viper hate blog months earlier at ... where you...
  23. Bruce H.

    TA Trackday

    I can't recall if you've posted any TA track feedback before, but if you have a link would be appreciated. The TA rates are 240#f and 600#r, with the SRT 200/500 and GTS 220/550 according to this Chrysler Media info... I would...
  24. Bruce H.

    TA Trackday

    Thanks, Todd...and agreed on this thread. I've found serious track enthusiasts tend to be a rather specific breed of enthusiast, and are all too rare on some forums. It would be great if this thread could advance the community's knowledge base for tracking the Gen V. I'll be tracking it first...
  25. Bruce H.

    TA Trackday

    Thanks for your take on that review. The stock front spring rates on all the Gen V's are certainly a lot softer than the range you are used to, which if memory serves, are SRT 200#f, GTS 220# and T/A 240#, with rears being approximately double those. If my car gets completed and shipped early...