Search results

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    What have you had to sacrifice?

    ummm're going to pay 25K for a standard car that you'll use as an everday vehicle. A vehicle that you can park in the mall parking lot. A vehicle you can ride in the Sun, Rain and Snow. If you're going to pay 40K for a viper you'll most likely only be able to get a Gen I...
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    Got towed today.....(long)

    Che Figura! sempre quando la strada e' piene di cretini!
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    Ill probably get flamed for this but . . .

    Jon, I'm sure you've heard this plenty of times before. However i have to say that i, like many others shop on sight, i may not really be looking for something in particular but if i see something that catches my eye i buy it compulsively. You really need to work on your web page so i can see...
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    The Vomit Viper Is Back On Ebay

    Ok i have to throw out my 2 cents. Being the very manly man that i am, i was almost compelled to barf on my desk after seeing that abomination of a paint job! However i must give the gentleman alot of credit for coming here and defending his cyber pride. though he knows almost nobody here...
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    30 Corvettes in 1 day give my Viper respect!

    better car...slower car..... Myself, I'm just an all around car enthusiast, i leave my ego at home.
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    MGW Plate

    I have the chrome MGW gas cap for my GTS (among other accesories) It took me all of 15 minutes to take off the old one and put on the MGW. It looks unbelievable incredible. you'll really dig it!
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    Best insurance rates for Viper???

    HA!!! I pay (96 GTS) 1900 every six months, i have one accident (not my fault) that occured a year and a half ago. other than that i'm clean. Anyone else want to make me feel worse?
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    "Thanks for not racing!"

    Re: \"Thanks for not racing!\" I'm with you all the way. Gerald you'll know what i mean. Friday night i was cruising around the East Side..near Gano St. (you know how narrow those ancient roads are). I'm at a stoplight when i hear a car gunning to get behind me. It was an 80ish mustang and he...
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    I'm never taking my viper to a resturant again!!! Some a** spit on it!

    Re: I\'m never taking my viper to a resturant again!!! Some a** spit on it! Holy Crap daffy remind me never to venture in your neighborhood. Fuel lines cut?
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    no not religiously, but i have caught the motorhead bug. The problem is, in the past my idea of doing engine work was checking the oil, and changing my oil consisted of finding as local JiffyLube. I now want to get dirty and learn all i can, but i'm not sure where to begin. I bought an "Auto...
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    GOT PACED AT 20+ OVER (long)

    Very well said!! your points all hit the nail on the head! next time a cop pulls you over, get out and kick him in the nuts!
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    Any Vets (not Vetts) on our board?

    2nd/504th 82nd Airborne MOS 11B
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    No postings for non-Viper owners, thats what I say!!! Admins...

    Tony, I agree whole 100%. Let's make this completley exclusive. Hell who needs diversity 1. Must have proof of Viper ownership- A vin verification will do 2. Must prove military service(DD214)- we don't need any slackers here! 3. Must have a War Veteran License plate- if your state doesn't...
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    No postings for non-Viper owners, thats what I say!!! Admins...

    Tony, I agree whole 100%. Let's make this completley exclusive. Hell who needs diversity 1. Must have proof of Viper ownership- A vin verification will do 2. Must prove military service(DD214)- we don't need any slackers here! 3. Must have a War Veteran License plate- if your state doesn't...
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    The Bullet!!!

    I just spit-shine my car like i did my boots in the Army. You do have to drink a few gallons of water to do it properly though.
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    Viper collection for sale

    umm at 111,111 a car. i'd have to say he's kidding, or just nuts
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    My '96 GTS window seals are coming off is there a TSB?

    Re: My \'96 GTS window seals are coming off is there a TSB? This is the same issue that i have, along with Vipermad. He took his to a dealer and had them fix it, however i have been procrastinating. I guess it's pretty much a known issue with dodge.
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    Viper Wrecks?

    I'm almost in tears!
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    New to the Board and I got some questions!

    Ahhh i've seen you display a NASCAR in the emerald square mall, i was considering doing a track rental with that.
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    Experienced Viper Owners wanted within...

    Sherlock, Jim sold me my Viper , in fact i was there last friday at the cruise night on Rt 66 (down the road).Most cars he has are on consignment. I met him through a friend of mine that bought a Testarossa from him. He's a good guy to deal with, but because the cars are consignment, i'd...
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    Experienced Viper Owners wanted within...

    Hey Sherlock, That guy wouldn't happen to be Jim Tilsdale at F40 motorsports in Portland Ct. would it?
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    Can someone lend some advice please?

    Brother, I'm 29 and am in the same career field as you. If you specialize in an area (mine was messaging) you are worth quite a bit more. Starting near 80,000 and sometimes a bit over 100,000. Besides unless you work for Citrix in Florida where you can be an instant millionaire from stock...
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    Elmwood Dodge, Warrantee stuff, smiling face! (long)

    Tony, I found Bald hill dodge to be great as well. One day i pulled into a parking space with a cement guard, and got too close. I ended up sliding my facia on top of the cemetnt, and heard the most painfull scratching sound, when i pulled back and got out to inspect i noticed that coolent was...
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    Want to see a video of 2003 Viper?

    geeez it's still downloading.....hope they don't have packet sniffers on our network. 30 megs is hefty