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  1. S

    Viper club

    there is a national club and it typically has state-wide sub-clubs, such as the Georgia VCA. check out this link: check out the Gateway Viper Club: when you join the national club you select which state...
  2. S

    Sneaky Pete sew-on patches

    does anyone sell any cool shirts too?
  3. S

    Slight vibration at high speeds

    If its the half shafts I have no idea what to do. Should I send them back to Unitrax or Roe? They were drop shipped directly from Unitrax. The only thing that I noticed about the half shafts when installing them is the left one was a little tighter, like it was compressed more than the right...
  4. S

    quick question: drive shaft removal

    sweet, I removed it earlier to change the u-joints, but I drained the fluid because I needed to change it anyway. thanks for the help.
  5. S

    quick question: drive shaft removal

    I have to drain the trans before pulling the drive shaft out the back, right? otherwise it will drain itself?
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    Slight vibration at high speeds

    not bad thinking, but the car is driven a minimum of once a week, with the only exception being when it is down for mods, which it was for about two weeks, but it was on jackstands the entire time, so there was no weight on the tires. Update: removed both rear wheels and carefully seated them...
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    Slight vibration at high speeds

    thanks for the tip, but I haven't hit anything. I'm betting the driveshaft just needs to be balanced since I put the new u-joints on it. the wheels were fine when I started this mod and there's no reason they would be bent. I'm careful with tightening the lug nuts. I'll make sure the shop...
  8. S

    Slight vibration at high speeds

    jacked the car up, I installed the half shafts correctly (they have appropriate sides according to Unitrax), wheels spin fine, no obvious issues and the wheel weights are still on the wheels. I did notice one of the fronts has none and I don't remember it not having any when I installed them...
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    WARNING: Beware of Roe Hoses with Bleeder Valve

    purchased about a year ago, I believe in late march of 2006.
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    Slight vibration at high speeds

    hmm, that bothers me because the half shafts (and their u-joints) are brand new, and the u-joints in the drive shaft are new.
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    Slight vibration at high speeds

    oh yeah, replaced the half shaft straps and bolts with the ones Unitrax provided and replaced the drive shaft straps and bolts with OEM parts. I think you posted in another thread I had on the subject and I made sure to do it. checked the tire pressures, everything was at 30psi when I made the...
  12. S

    Slight vibration at high speeds

    I just installed 3.73 gears (had my diff rebuilt by a highly recommended shop), Unitrax half shafts, and replaced the u-joints on my drive shaft. driving the car yesterday I thought I felt a very slight vibration around 80 to 85 mph. I shifted from 6th to 5th and it didn't seem to change...
  13. S

    WARNING: Beware of Roe Hoses with Bleeder Valve

    Re: Roe Hoses with Bleeder Valve Sean, thanks for the reply. The radiator cap is the anode cap that I bought from you with the hoses. Is there a way to test it? It must have opened because my overflow/catch container in front of the front right wheel was empty (I had just checked the level...
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    WARNING: Beware of Roe Hoses with Bleeder Valve

    yeah, I sent it to him also.
  15. S

    WARNING: Beware of Roe Hoses with Bleeder Valve

    good point. they are great about responding to emails, I'll forward them a link to this post. I kinda figured they would have seen this by now, I've seen them posting on here before.
  16. S

    I saw Chad’s next McViper

    I'm pretty sure Hulk's was an RT/10 Yeap, I was right. His actually wasn't a McVIPER (note the 3-spoke wheels and sidepipes):
  17. S

    I saw Chad’s next McViper

    I actually like that. still, my favorite "different" color scheme is the '96 RT/10 that was white with blue stripes...awesome.
  18. S

    WARNING: Beware of Roe Hoses with Bleeder Valve

    Didn't call him. I really didn't want to replace the hose with the same thing because (this is solely my opinion and is not meant to bash Roe Racing) I think the valve is an unnecessary weakness in the hose. Since I wasn't interested in replacing the part with the same, there wasn't much he...
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    WARNING: Beware of Roe Hoses with Bleeder Valve

    definitely try this fix then. the whole thing was real simple and you can't even see the hose, so the color doesn't matter.
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    WARNING: Beware of Roe Hoses with Bleeder Valve

    UPDATE: here's a closeup of the offending valve. it seems pretty obvious to me that the reason the hose failed is the saw-like washer that is used to hold it in: THE FIX: I went to NAPA and dug through their hoses as Chuck Tator suggested. I bought P/N NBH 8626, the upper radiator hose...
  21. S

    WARNING: Beware of Roe Hoses with Bleeder Valve

    true. if I wouldn't have been so close to home I would have been riding on a flatbed. most of those mods were simply replacing parts that broke, like old hoses, worthless stock half shafts, and a POS radiator that was built to leak.
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    WARNING: Beware of Roe Hoses with Bleeder Valve

    I guess it was an isolated incident, which is good for everyone but me. :(
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    WARNING: Beware of Roe Hoses with Bleeder Valve

    just went over the car, it was definitely the bleeder valve that failed, and the valve itself was still screwed in tight. I also noticed the entire underside of the car and a substantial part of the back were covered in antifreeze!!!
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    WARNING: Beware of Roe Hoses with Bleeder Valve

    Like I said, just the facts. I'm not bashing Roe Racing in any way. I'm just presenting exactly what happened to me. If I found out others had this problem and they didn't tell everyone I would feel this board isn't serving the purpose of helping us properly maintain safe and reliable cars...
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    WARNING: Beware of Roe Hoses with Bleeder Valve

    Just the facts: :curse: I just finished installing 3.73 gears, Unitrax speedometer calibration box, and Unitrax half shafts on my car. I was out with the wife checking the speedometer calibration I had just set on the box. Getting on the interstate I floored it in second gear through...