I've thought about rigging a rope and pulley arrangement from the garage ceiling to lift and store the top. Haven't got past the idea stage yet though! For a cart, it should be relatively easy to cobble one together with PVC piping.
I am SO looking forward to getting Steve's lowered coilovers and BBK . . . . hope the production status changes to 'final assembly' soon! Keep the experiences coming.
Thanks for all the replies, especially Ken's very informative adapter response. Kinda digging the NASCAR look the adapter achieves when installed. Think I'll go the inflator kit/cell phone route. As far as leaving the inflated spare in the back for crashworthiness, I sure would like a...
I'm going to a 19/19 setup on my Gen 2 that, as you know, has the factory spare tire in the trunk. Also will be lowering a reasonable amount with coilovers and adding a BBK. Those that have gone the same route, do you have experience with the spare tire working out OK? Any jack point access...
There you go. I have since trimmed the length of the inner tube so it doesn't cover the top off the cap for that 'pro install' look. You too have excellent taste with the '09 SRT8 . . . Here's my 392:
Just push on a length of your favorite rubber or silicone tubing you have laying around to the cap nipple and route the other end to below your vehicle. The idea is to keep spillage from contacting the headers and starting a fire.
I use the 3M film cut to fit. Not just on the Viper, but all my cars. Great protection from flying objects and surface oxidation (hazing). Good investment IMHO.
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