1. Do not buy one till you learn how to drive a Manual - Check!
2. Do not buy one till you have a safe place to park the car - Check!
3. Do not buy one unless you can do your own service on the car or have a fat wallet. question on this one, do u mean service like oil chance, flued change, or...
Garage nearby is a very good option, just wondering how much the price is, i should say though my condo is on the first floor, there a bit like townhomes so the parking space to my bedroom window is like 10 feet. i can litearly pull the shades and spit on my car from where im. Nonethless it is...
glad to see someone up as late as me! yeah the parking does worry me a lot, the manual driving does as well BUT I KNOW i can overcome that, have a few ideas regarding that, was thinking buying a 700 beater and practicing on it etc..
the parking, worst case scenerio i can always...
Hi everyone! I have spent the past weekend reading any and everything on this forum. The funny moments, arguements, the beautiful pictures of the vipers (my fav) anyway heres my situation and i submit to you guys on what to do next.
im 28 from southern cali, spec orange county cali. Im...
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