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  1. M

    Scottish VCA Spirit!

    I'm half Scottish, does that count?
  2. M

    Voi 11 Web Site Meeting

    I'm in. When's the location/time being decided?
  3. M

    Viper Owner Invitational #11 - BE THERE!

    Art - do you know something I don't?
  4. M

    Viper Owner Invitational #11 - BE THERE!

    Hooters?!? Hah! What we need is some brave soul to organize a barbecue at a very interesting location.
  5. M

    Only 5 Weeks Old & Already Snake Bitten

    Art, don't try to play it cool: you know that little girl already has you wrapped around her llittle finger!
  6. M

    After VOI Vegas Vacation

    Dan, I shot Dan a PM a day or two ago to sort of feel out where he is with this. I didn't want to get over-involved only to find out that there may be huge "problems" with my involvement. I'll be glad to help (afterall, I also have a "friend" associated with the Palms) but I have to know what...
  7. M


    Agree completely. Great ideas in 4A through 4F. Even if they don't make an "ADR" they definitely need to look at optional gearing in the diff and an optional Quaiffe unit. Personally, I'd like numerically higher gears but more in the range of a 3.33 or maybe the old Mopar standby of 3.23.
  8. M

    What's your Viper's Birthday and how long have you owned it?

    My GTS was built 10/11/1999. Bought it in May, 2003. Not sure when my SRT-10 was built...too lazy to go look right now.
  9. M

    2010 Vipers Marketed in Time Square In New York and In Las vegas

    Correct. That's the Wynn in the background on the right.
  10. M

    Extreme Garage Sale Part 2

    How much for the Gen 3 Tri Y M&M Headers? Will they bolt up to the Mopar Gen 3 Race Exhaust? Do they include all gaskets, bolts, etc needed for the install?
  11. M

    Sassy, Sultry, & Soooooo Hot Pictures

    Where any of the RoMoCo Black/Plum Crazy Vipers built yet? I'm dying to see photos of an actual car.
  12. M

    Any new info on the 2012 Gen V snake?

    I'd take the bet as well. Initial talk had the Viper returning as a 2012, but I believe that was too optimistic. I suspect that Bob's right and it will be available in late 2012 as a 2013 model. If correct, this means that alot of engineering work on the Gen V should already have been done and...
  13. M

    Can I damage my engine by driving at the track?

    Is there any risk of blowing out a rear main seal by slightly overfilling the oil on a Gen 2?
  14. M

    VOI.9 Goodie bags, etc

    I put up two complete goodie bags in the classifieds: VOI.9 Goodie Bags - ViperClub Classifieds
  15. M

    VOI.9 Goodie bags, etc

    QUICKSRT10/SRT8 and rudedawg - check your PMs.
  16. M

    VOI.9 Goodie bags, etc

    PaViper - I've got two poker chip sets but I'm not yet looking to part out either goodie bag. Lemme see if there's a call for both complete bags. QUICKSRT10/SRT8 - If you want, shoot me a PM with what's a reasonable price. I'm just looking in to this so I really have no idea what these bags go...
  17. M

    VOI.9 Goodie bags, etc

    Art, Does this mean Cynthia delivered or that you guys are still playing the waiting game? BTW: I could probably swing selling you the poster...lemme see if anyone's got to have a complete set.
  18. M

    VOI.9 Goodie bags, etc

    What are these items worth? I've got two complete sets of goodies (bags with all contents, clocks, posters, luggage tags) that are just gathering dust in the closet. VOI.9 Goodie Bags - ViperClub Classifieds
  19. M

    Way In Advance Planning!

    I'd be willing to help put together another event but I'm not so sure I want to take the sort of heat I did for the pre-VOI.9 BBQ that I ran at the brothel in 2006. There is a Nevada region that by most accounts is pretty much dead. I doubt the NV region has the wherewithal to pull off a BBQ...
  20. M

    Viper Owner Invitational #11 - BE THERE!

    Cool - then the growing Vegas contingent of SoCal members can caravan the rest of the way with you guys. BTW: missed you at the Christmas party...Hope all is well with the wife.
  21. M

    Viper Owner Invitational #11 - BE THERE!

    Dude - check your PMs or shoot me an email. Got a question for you.
  22. M

    Mopar Race Exhaust - Fitment issues or Wrong Part? Help.

    Same here. The dealer put the race exhaust on - the only issue was a minor tip alignment problem that was corrected in another visit.
  23. M

    Added a diffuser blade

    Looks cool. Great color combo on that coupe, BTW. :D
  24. M

    The Viper LIVES!

    How about letting the marketplace decide if cars should get better gas mileage or not?
  25. M

    To members of the Socal Viper Club...

    The SoCal region has an awesome bunch of people and they do alot of really good events. I couldn't make the Big Bear run, but I'm sure I'll see you at one or two before the year is up.

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