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  1. ViperGTS

    Launch Control Opinions?

    computer game? enjoy it.
  2. ViperGTS

    VCA trip to 24Hr of Le Mans June 22-23, 2013

    good luck! the hotels are booked within 25 miles anyway...:eater: or have horrible rates :rolleyes:
  3. ViperGTS

    VCA trip to 24Hr of Le Mans June 22-23, 2013

    90 miles? Thats a +2 hrs commute one way...especially with all the roads closed for the race around Le Mans!
  4. ViperGTS

    VCA trip to 24Hr of Le Mans June 22-23, 2013

    -mb: on my way to Le Mans, usually, I :drive: by Lake Constanze :D on the north side, across Black Forrest to Colmar, France - our first night. See you!
  5. ViperGTS

    VCA trip to 24Hr of Le Mans June 22-23, 2013

    :D Hotel is booked...will be my SNAKE :drive:....hotel rooms in Le Mans will be a problem for late (now) bookings!
  6. ViperGTS

    What´s your opinion on lowering caps?

    Jürgen, go for a full suspension setup like KW or leave it is a Viper not a rabbit :D and do not go the north Bavarian route....
  7. ViperGTS

    Mr Paul Lacey UK RIP

    I met Paul and Barb several times over the last decade. We met at the Hockenheimring for the Jim Clark Revival too. Unfortunately, not this year, because I was in NY for the autohow. Paul, we will miss you! Rest in peace my friend.
  8. ViperGTS

    Just got a real drive and ride in a Gen 5.

    >>>Then the better experience was they put you in the passenger seat and took us on a balls out lap of the road course. Thats where the car REALLY shined. I informed the driver I was a current owner, and he said "i'm gonna show you why this car is SO much better" he ran the car up to...
  9. ViperGTS

    Vipers at Petit Le Mans

    I'll be there - in my Viper! :D
  10. ViperGTS

    Received a surprise in the mail

    at least you got something! :D nothing here :dunno:
  11. ViperGTS

    Vipers at Petit Le Mans

    TIME TO BRING THE VIPER BACK TO THE REAL LE MANS 24H RACE :eater:waiting for the official announcement :drive:
  12. ViperGTS

    Just Purchased my 2002 RT 10

    take care!
  13. ViperGTS

    NC Cruise to VOI - Thursday September 27th

    have fun driving "down" tomorrow............the party is almost over when you arrive in your backyard! :-)
  14. ViperGTS

    Look out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    what "beer" :lmao:
  15. ViperGTS

    Regional Beer.

    I could try to roll a beer keg through security, but chances are high they will seize it ...
  16. ViperGTS

    Will removing Aftermarket wing leave holes?

    you beat me by 21 hours :2tu:
  17. ViperGTS

    Vipers return to Roadracing couldn't have been more perfect!!!

    I'll wait till June 22nd, 2013. :drive:
  18. ViperGTS

    Does anyone here Hill Climb their car ???

    I do my own private hill climbs... :D:drive::)
  19. ViperGTS

    Another TC thread

    Right now, in Europe they (politicians) discuss black boxes being mandatory for cars...big brother taking over total control. Total! Time for another revolution? Bastille! Guns! Fight for your 2nd amendment - just in case!
  20. ViperGTS

    How come this board is dead?

    move to FL...:D
  21. ViperGTS

    Hello. Newbie here from Europe.

    not a vca member?
  22. ViperGTS

    Hello. Newbie here from Europe.

    SL Saarlouis? welcome
  23. ViperGTS

    08' SRT 10 oil change question

    check for the right oil filter---they tend to put the wrong one on.