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  1. ViperGTS

    Viper High Speeds

    ...come to Germany...autobahn....
  2. ViperGTS

    Extremely disappointed in Dodge, Chrysler, SRT unacceptable service.

    Stop whining. Drive up north to the Wizard. P.S.: I crossed Delaware coming from D.C. arriving in Danbury, CT within a few hours this April. :D IF you would be in our shoes - Europe - without any warranty, grey imports, no support at all, nothing, nada ...:drive:
  3. ViperGTS

    20" wheel owners question!!!

    >>19/20 with eibach lowering springs<<< You should be fine with driving to the next coffee shop at 30-50 mph :rolaugh: that's exactly what the VIPER was built for!:drive: And, please, stop whining about driving issues when you do things like 20" wheels and lowering springs but not a full setup...
  4. ViperGTS

    Post up the best pic of your SRT

    <<<Glad you are okay Markus.Look forward to the next time we meet like at VOI 11. Many stories to trade I am sure.Till then be good. :) Nice on the bed shakin humor! :lmao: T >>> Charlotte! I am flying in Sept-25th.:2tu:
  5. ViperGTS

    Post up the best pic of your SRT

    picture taken before the quake hit us in Modena, Italy last night at 4 am...luckily we did not encounter any trouble except heavily shaking beds (usually a good thing!) in a moving building!
  6. ViperGTS

    Getting Registered for VOI 12

    Calling the hotel Embassy from overseas is a nightmare...
  7. ViperGTS

    Multiple Sports Cars Crash on Same Stretch of Autobahn (Including an ACR)

    That is not a regular German license plate -> no rental car! It could be a dealership plate: "Wanna go for a ride on semi-slicks in the rain in a Viper - here are the keys - whom do we call just in case?" If Kirchheim close to Stuttgart is meant, there are signs all over the place along the...
  8. ViperGTS

    Passenger Side Floorboard Rattle - 2002 GTS

    I've heard of a guy who lost a cell phone in his GTS. The cell phone went into one of the ducts in front of the passanger seat. He sold his GTS because he could not stand the rattle!
  9. ViperGTS

    VOI Registration $?

    you should go and have your feelings checked :D
  10. ViperGTS

    your thoughts on my mod list.

    New tires? Track tires? Slicks? +spend some money on driving schools and track investment (& mod - so to speak). 600hp is enough to go down the straights at a very high rate of speed...corners too! Have fun:drive:
  11. ViperGTS

    VOI Registration $?

    not open yet...
  12. ViperGTS

    WANTED 08 Roadster

    not giving away and no stripes either, but first drive this year :drive:
  13. ViperGTS

    Snake coming out of hibernation today!!!!!!!

    40 hours and counting...
  14. ViperGTS

    VOI Registration $?

    and 2 times a 9 hour jet lag - terrible :rolleyes: besides 2 ten hour flights and a round trip of +4000 miles Chicago-SLC-Chicago...uff
  15. ViperGTS

    Big thanks to Ralph Gilles and the UK VCA

    Support Tator is the keyword in your posting. But, not many will understand :smirk: Glad you got a nice poster!
  16. ViperGTS

    How many people from Ontario are here?

    I crossed ONtARIO 2 times last 2 weeks - count?
  17. ViperGTS

    Black Box Data

    'they' record my credit card details, buys, flight tickets, seat number, meal choosen, no of cases checked in, hotels booked, rentals & everything...................................................:eater: 1984. Back in the 1970's it was SCI-FI for me when we read the book in high school...
  18. ViperGTS

    Gen 3 Cat Catastrophe

    H(igh)F(low) cats. Metal. Not ceramic! Maybe ... the stock ones tend to clogggggggggggggggggggg - after a while.
  19. ViperGTS

    Mopar ECU Gen IV issues?

    no issues, all good except for no backfire
  20. ViperGTS

    Things that cause you to CRASH your Viper!

    seeing how people drive here makes me sick...for example changing lanes without looking into 2 mirrors and turning head. Pathetic. p.s.: on a 10 days road trip cross country right now.
  21. ViperGTS

    Plastic film on Chassis?

    cripple zone hole protection (dirt, water,...)
  22. ViperGTS

    See you soon!

    Wilhelm! CU there.
  23. ViperGTS

    GTS Coupe Water leak

    Some GTS's had/have a leak right on top the windshield frame behind the mirror!
  24. ViperGTS

    Viper Rentals...who would beinterrested? all "nice" cars - but, no Dodge Viper for a good reason :D Perhaps, after ESP becomes mandatory for the 2013 SRT Viper.