I know it makes the most sense to wait till winter and for people to start unloading for Gen V's, but this is killing me missing these Fall driving days!
Damn! I loved your car. I spoke to you in the parking lot after coming from Cracker Barrel the first 20 mins we were there. I was chatting with Marco at the time. I got many pics cause its not too often you see polished wheels on a near ACR! I loved the 06 stripes too
Fair enough...I was hoping for something fancy, other than satin black (or semi-gloss etc) But it does look good for sure...maybe a tad darker than OEM, but I like that
It's a great looking car for sure, but after two Gen IIIs, I think it's time to move on to a Gen IV. You will have ZERO problems selling your car with miles, condition and wheels.
Ha! That was me actually. Your's was the only solid green coupe with black interior that I saw at VOI.
If you decide to sell in the near future, you now know where to reach me if you don't still have my business card. You know you loved that Gen V... :)
Believe me...I've tried to talk myself into a Vert with the Lemke hardtop, but I just love the coupe rear too much. I'd need a killer deal on a Vert to buy the Vipair coupe rear, Lemke hardtop and paint and not be waaayyy over my head
Well, things are finally complete in regards to my 2006 Coupe accident, so it's time to start looking for my next Viper.
I had many color and stripe options in mind, particularly before I went to VOI. After seeing nearly every color combo, I've narrowed it down considerably. I'm only...
Great pics was an awesome event and great to meet you and the other forum members. It's true what they say...we're all there for the cars, but will come back next time for the people!
Gotta help us, help you...
Since you're in the SRT-10 section, I'm assuming you're after a 2003+. Do you want a coupe or convertible? Do you want a Gen III or Gen IV? Any preference to color?
They are not needed and only increase the chance of rubbing. With that said, adding spacers to the factory wheel DRAMATICALLY improves the overall appearance of the car, particularly when lowered.
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