Good on you for bringing this up to the forum Malu
It seemed sketchy when I saw it up there, and since I knew there weren't any factory B/W coupes, I knew it must be yours and PMed you. What an Azzhole
Very, very nice. I would prefer that bulkhead to be hidden from outside, but that's just my personal preference. The quality of work is obvious...congrats!
Can someone smarter than me tell me if this will pertain to the Gen IV, or Gen V, in any way? Near Halloween is the SEMA show....could the aftermarket finally be able to modify factory PCMs on these late model cars?
@RalphGilles: “@RogerHenthorn:Any news on 11+ PCMs? Not that the viper isn't...
These aren't the lighter SC's but close:!?highlight=Orange+photoshoot
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