Search results

  1. W

    CCW 505A Purner wheels.

    You might want to have your eyes checked, but in the mean time I will go buy a new digital camera and see if I can get some better photos for you. LOL
  2. W

    CCW 505A Purner wheels.

    Not an RT/10 but here are some of my red GTS:
  3. W

    Anyone heard of RUMORS where voi 9 will be?? Not where you WISH it will be.

    Re: Anyone heard of RUMORS where voi 9 will be?? Not where you WISH it will I'm with Bonkers!
  4. W

    Anyone heard of RUMORS where voi 9 will be?? Not where you WISH it will be.

    Re: Anyone heard of RUMORS where voi 9 will be?? Not where you WISH it will I'm with Bonkers!
  5. W

    At 200mph YOU have NO Friends! -stickers are ready!!

    Casey, I will take 4 of the triangles. Check will be in the mail Monday.
  6. W

    REMINDER: IN/KY VCA Poker Run THIS Sat ...6/11/05...

    Steve, Sounds like a good time, but I will not be able to make it. Have to help my parents move. Have fun.
  7. W


    GARY, AWESOME......SIMPLY AWESOME :headbang:
  8. W

    attn: tuners, used parts dealers, and enthuiasts

    I have a pair fresh off my 01 GTS and you will have a PM very shortly.
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    Big Bend Open Road Race

    Anyone else planning on going?
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    Big Bend Open Road Race

    Who has participated? Comments? I am thinking very hard about going this fall.
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    Finally a cure for rear imaging

    What brand monitor do you have? I assume it is also a DVD/CD player?
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    Gary, The feeling is mutual!
  13. W

    2001 GTS and NOS

    Larry Macedo did Fuelman's 01 GTS. He would be a good one to call.
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    Gary, Remember practice makes perfect. You can't always knock em dead the first time out. You have an awesome setup and I know it won't be long before you are turning some Great times! :2tu:
  15. W

    Anyone Near Dallas Want Some Cheap Parts???

    I could not resist!
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    Anyone Near Dallas Want Some Cheap Parts???

    Have you seen these parts? LMAO
  17. W

    Silver State Classic Viper Results

    Congrats to the winners. Sounds like a great time. I have next May marked on my calendar. A 24-hour (one way) drive is not going to deter me from making this race. I first heard about this race 5 years ago and I said I had to make it out for one.
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    fuelman, Awesome Numbers! Are you going to be at Bradenton this weekend? If so, I definately need to pick your brain on your setup.
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    Central & North Florida Drag Racing School ****Don't miss this!!!****

    Re: Central & North Florida Drag Racing School ****Don\'t miss this!!!**** Information sent.
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    Who's coming to watch at Atco next Thursday ?

    Re: Who\'s coming to watch at Atco next Thursday ? Get some videos for the sorry soles stuck working in the midwest. Oh get some for me as well as I am on my way to the Doug Foley Drag school in Bradenton.
  21. W

    Is Anyone Running More Than 6.5psi On Sean Roe SC & Gen 2

    I asked the same questions as you when I decided to go with the H2O/Meth setup. Sean felt, as I believe other tuners have mentioned on this forum that going above the 6.5lb pulley would not be safe.
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    Great Numbers. BACKNBLACK, I have a 6.5lb on my creampuff with H20/Meth injection, which according to Roe is safe. I believe that other tuners are also moving creampuffs to setups like mine.