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  1. R Yellow Box speedometer recalibrator installation guide

    Thanks for the right up. It helped quite a bit. Got mine done tonight. Devin at Unitrax preset it for 3.55's and took all of the guess work out of it. It was dead on. Thanks Devin! Once you have done it once, you could probably do the whole installation in 15-20 minutes. This does not include...
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    Not a happy Camper....

    Me, too! I didn't know that this was such a widespread problem until I posted this. At least I am not alone. Maybe we should form a support group! We could call it, "Unhinged Anonymous"! :D
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    Not a happy Camper....

    After seeing all the other owners with door detent issues, I had been mulling over the idea of redesigning/ remaking the hinge spring with the proper metal and temper to create a repair kit. I definitely know what can happen if you get it wrong. This is the second door detent failure I have...
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    Not a happy Camper....

    My driver side door spring/detent hasn't worked for some time. Tonight when I was opening the door, it popped and then swung open with a crack. I was trying to figure out what caused it, then I saw the front of my door. Upon opening the door, the spring broke into 2 pieces. One of them...
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    I must be missing something...trying to remove the diff!

    Updating an older post. I got the diff back in, just in time to drive it up to the Tech day at Big Boyz Garage. After doing the diff R and R without a lift, any enthusiasm to do any serious work UNDER the car was completely gone. I have had an on going oil leak that I kept meaning to get to...
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    Picture in Autoweek of Vipers at the Blackhawk

    That is correct! I was up on the roof with Ron Kimball taking that shot. John, you are correct as well. The Black RT/10 belongs to Terri Angen.
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    A big Thumbs Up to Toddy Gomez and Bad Boyz Garage

    Who said Customer Service is dead. It is alive and well at Bad Boyz Garage! Toddy Gomez really delivers! You will be hard pressed to find anyone as passionate and meticulous about what they do as Toddy. He is the only one I have every left my car (and key) with and felt 100% comfortable...
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    What happend to the monthly VCA prize giveaway?

    Thanks everyone! It appears the monthly give away is a go. When is it going to be kicked off or re-kicked off?
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    Tech Day-Nor Cal VCA Meeting at BBG

    It is really really hard to say... just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, is sound to ear of the hearer. Microphones can not capture the feeling of being there. As many people as were there was how many opinions of what is best. The only thing you could definitively measure is volume...
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    Gen 2 doors not staying open?

    :rolaugh::lmao: Actually, I would like to know more about the spring. Can you buy just the spring any where??l My driver door has the same problem! I make the grunting noises too....mostly out of frustration trying to get out before the door closes on me......
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    update on broken rear sway bar

    Car looks nice. The front tires almost look bigger than the rear, what size are you running?
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    Mechanic shop communications?

    Ghoust, Not sure exactly what work you need to be done, but there are a couple more options. In San Jose, Maurice has negotiated a discounted rate for Parts and Service with Paul Normandin at Normandin Chrysler on Pearl Ave. Paul is a Viper owner and club member and good guy to boot. If you...
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    Rev limiter proper operation

    I hit it once during hard acceleration getting onto a freeway. Once was enough...
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    Another Idle Hang Resolved Thread

    You have a way with words and I understand exactly what you are saying, having experienced something similar... Glad you got it fixed!
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    Tech Day-Nor Cal VCA Meeting at BBG

    Great turn out, Great Cars and Great People! Thanks Toddy and Sonya for letting the "family" hang out long after it was over. Here are some more pictures.... Nikki holding an example of John's new Borla baby!
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    Rythmic knock when accelling

    When I first read this, I thought drive shaft, but then you said where is the noise coming from?
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    LED Tail lights ????

    For Red applications, LEDs use approximate 10% of the power of traditional Incandescent bulbs. Not a rumor but indeed fact. This is because red LEDs are only producing the color needed vs an incandescent bulb where you filter out all but the red light. Amber LED power savings are only about...
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    LED Tail lights ????

    When travelling at 55mph the faster turn on time of the LED gives you 1.5 car lengths addition stopping distance.
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    Catback install - how high does car need to be lifted

    What he said! If you have a stock system, it bolts in using 3 sections, 2 sides and one rear. You should have no problems removing it. I have done it on the stands, but I do wish that i had a lift.
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    Tech Day-Nor Cal VCA Meeting at BBG

    Who all is meeting at Golfland on Saturday Morning for the Caravan up to BBG's? We usually have 15 to 20 Cars.
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    Re-Invigorating Dodge- Auto Week

    Correction: I am at work and just took a look at it is called "AW Reigniting Dodge Passion "and it has 70 packed pages of pictures and stories. I agree with Paul, it is very well done!
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    Re-Invigorating Dodge- Auto Week

    Has anyone here seen the AutoWeek supplemental publication, Re-Invigorating Dodge! If you are not an Autoweek subscriber and a hard core Mopar fan it is worth heading down to you local magazine rack to pick up a copy. It is approximately 20 pages of the latest and greatest from Dodge. The...
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    What happend to the monthly VCA prize giveaway?

    Excellent! Thanks ViperTony, for picking up the Mantel...Just to make things really simple, I volunteer to be the first winner of the reinstated Monthly Prize Giveaway! Thank you Chad for doing this for as far back as I can remember. Thanks Guys !
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    What happend to the monthly VCA prize giveaway?

    :hahaup::hahaup::hahaup:: :lmao: :eater: