Search results

  1. 3

    08 service manual

    I just ordered and they said $140 :omg: They claim the price is changed to viper member pricing when goes to shipping. I sure hope so or I'm Detroit bound! :drive:
  2. 3

    TT Mamba

    Looks nice. How does it look from behind? That is probably the only view someone will get of it :headbang:
  3. 3

    Replacing front fender

    Thanks for the reply. Does this mean the cheaper (non finished) ones are aftermarket?
  4. 3

    Replacing front fender

    Has anyone installed a new replacement front fender on their Gen 3/4? Did the fender require trimming in order to install? Are they custom shaped to the car?
  5. 3

    smoked by a street bike?

    I've used mine for more than that, but it has been to cars and coffee as well :rolaugh:
  6. 3

    How much cash plus '06 coupe for new '09 coupe ?

    Red 08's don't fetch as much- especially without stripes. Your may be able to get to around a $20 to 25K difference depending on dealer.
  7. 3

    smoked by a street bike?

    If it truly sounded like an F1 and was a nice looking bike it was probably an MV Agusta F4. Did it look like the bike in the new Batman movie?
  8. 3

    How much is your car cost? = rude

    Sometimes its the ones who ask the question that are the jerk types. You answer them either kindly or in a rude way back, you park your car, and they ding or key your car when your in getting lunch. Honestly it is no ones business but your own, but some people have no couth.
  9. 3

    Charlotte area Viper lunch - April 18th!

    2 Days away!!! Come on people show some Viper pride and be there:2tu: I'll be there in my twin turbo (VR4 that is :( ) Hope to see you there!! Meeting @10:30 at Z max speedway
  10. 3

    Car lift/oil change in NC, anyone (2000 ACR)?

    I can let you use a lift at my warehouse in Concord if you would like. Call me at the shop sometime 704-786-6400 and we can get it set up. Steve
  11. 3

    Myrtle Beach Gathering

    1. 3SXVPR Charlotte 2 '08 Coupe 2.Venomred Charleston 1 '08 Coupe 3.alpine7822 - 04 black Mamba - 2 (maybe more) 4.ACR2000GTS- 02'ACR 2 people, possibly birng the 94' RT as well. 5.KNG SNKE '01 Bumblebee Virginia Beach area 6.dodgefever '99 Silver GTS Virginia Beach area 7.vipercrazy '97...
  12. 3

    Charlotte area Viper lunch - April 18th!

    I gave my car a temporary virus :omg: hopefully will rectify soon. Yes I heard from Don, definitely something I hope gets rolling.
  13. 3

    Myrtle Beach Gathering

    1. 3SXVPR Charlotte 2 '08 Coupe 2.Venomred Charleston 1 '08 Coupe 3.alpine7822 - 04 black Mamba - 2 (maybe more) 4.ACR2000GTS- 02'ACR 2 people, possibly birng the 94' RT as well. 5.KNG SNKE '01 Bumblebee Virginia Beach area 6.dodgefever '99 Silver GTS Virginia Beach area 7.vipercrazy '97...
  14. 3

    Myrtle Beach Gathering

    1. 3SXVPR Charlotte 2 '08 Coupe 2.Venomred Charleston 1 '08 Coupe 3.alpine7822 - 04 black Mamba - 2 (maybe more) 4.ACR2000GTS- 02'ACR 2 people, possibly birng the 94' RT as well. 5.KNG SNKE '01 Bumblebee Virginia Beach area 6.dodgefever '99 Silver GTS Virginia Beach area 7.vipercrazy '97...
  15. 3

    Charlotte area Viper lunch - April 18th!

    Sounds good :) My car's a little sick right now, but if it is feeling better then I will bring it. Otherwise might come on the bike.
  16. 3

    Myrtle Beach Gathering

    That's what I was thinking too. Some people arrive in Friday- do dinner and hang out. Saturday- hang out, cruise, maybe do an event, lunch dinner, maybe something else. Sunday- meet up for breakfast, hang out for those who want to, say goodbyes. Always seems to be a good combination...
  17. 3

    Myrtle Beach Gathering

    1. 3SXVPR Charlotte 2 '08 Coupe 2.Venomred Charleston 1 '08 Coupe 3.alpine7822 - 04 black Mamba - 2 (maybe more) 4.ACR2000GTS- 02'ACR 2 people, possibly birng the 94' RT as well. 5.jrod '01 Bumblebee Virginia Beach area 6.dodgefever '99 Silver GTS Virginia Beach area 7.vipercrazy '97 B/W...
  18. 3

    Myrtle Beach Gathering

    Keep 'em coming :)
  19. 3

    Myrtle Beach Gathering

    Sounding good. Keep posting if interested. Was originally thinking spring time, but I know some people can't make that time frame. So still up in the air. For those who are interested but can't post here send am email to [email protected] and I'll put you down as interested. Thanks...
  20. 3

    Myrtle Beach Gathering

    It would. Just need an idea of how many people would be interested. Maybe you could just send out a general interest question to the members and ask them to post on this thread if interested or contact me via PM. Honestly I don't mind working on it, but I don't want to waste my time if we don't...
  21. 3

    Myrtle Beach Gathering

    Good point, but that can happen anywhere. Generally for car gatherings all the cars are parked together and people won't mess with them. But we could look into a hotel with monitored parking or one that will give us our own secure area.
  22. 3

    Myrtle Beach Gathering

    PM Sent :2tu:
  23. 3

    Myrtle Beach Gathering

    Sounds good, but you would think more than just locals would be interested- which is why suggested Myrtle Beach. Is it that the club members are not interested in any events unless they get the club to pay for it? :dunno: Shame to be rockin the cars and not have funds to go out of town :drive:
  24. 3

    Who wants incredible parts?

    I think this is a great idea in theory, but you also have to look at it from a TRUE vendor perspective. I have a shop that has been around for 10 years that has primarily specialized in parts and service for the Mitsubishi 3000/ Dodge Stealth- a small specialized market. We have several...
  25. 3


    Why not do Myrtle Beach?