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  1. 3

    Merry Christmas to all

    Happy Holidays everyone!!:beer:
  2. 3

    What a day

    Thanks! I really wanted to go with the Viper blue this time.
  3. 3

    What a day

    Thanks for the kind words :2tu: Unable to post a pic, but it is this one here: Blue/ silver stripes Inside Line: Media Gallery
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    What a day

    Needed to make a trip to Atlanta, so watched the weather channel all week for a nice day- Saturday. Hopped in the 04 and headed down at 5:00 AM on Saturday from Charlotte. Got into South Carolina and hit rain all the way to the destination. One day I will sue thise bastards- jk Rain sucks when...
  5. 3

    FREE DYNO DAYS!!!! (and more!)

    Here's a link to some photo's for those who were there. 3SX Charlotte Gathering & Dyno Day 2008 -
  6. 3

    FREE DYNO DAYS!!!! (and more!)

    Thanks! Enjoyed meeting everyone today, and I hope everyone had a good time- I know I did :) Hopefully we can get a bigger crowd for next time. Fun seeing Dwight again(even if he went to the dark side :) ), and meeting John, Ken, and the 2 Steve's- sorry if I forgot someone or got a name...
  7. 3

    FREE DYNO DAYS!!!! (and more!)

    Ran mine on the Dyno today. Stock 2004 436 WHP and 490 torque (all the way across the graph :) ) Going to run it again after fresh plugs and wires to see there effects. Looking forward to seeing everyones cars and numbers.
  8. 3

    FREE DYNO DAYS!!!! (and more!)

    The Charlotte Dyno Day is getting closer. Who is coming? Looking forward to seeing everyone. Steve
  9. 3

    Tires in Rain

    They are listed as 105Y so should not be runflats which are 98Y.
  10. 3

    Tires in Rain

    Exactly right. Here is a killer deal I picked a set up off of. They are new, but don't know how old they are, but for the price it is worth seeing. There are still 4 sets left for those who need tires- I did think of buying them all myself, but want to help out my fellow Viper peeps :) eBay...
  11. 3

    Tires in Rain

    Wanted to give a follow up on this. When I posted on it I was out of town away from my car. Since then after lifting it in the air I found the tires were the originals with over 30K on them :omg: I had assumed they had been changed, but that's what get for assuming and they are near tread...
  12. 3

    Recall/ Notification Link

    Found this link for Dodge and thought it was helpful. Everyone may already use it, but hopefully it is helpful for some of us. Dodge - Contact Us Hope it is helpful. Steve
  13. 3

    Tires in Rain

    I wanted to see if this is a common issue or if have some other issue. Drove in the rain last weekend with my Pilot Sports in my 2004 and was unable to keep traction at anything above 45 MPH on the highway. Car kept wanting to spin on the pavement. Tires still have good thread on them. Is...
  14. 3

    I'm going to be in Charlotte this Sat the 9th. Anyone else going to be around?

    Jon, Might be able to do a lunch type thing like last time. Maybe can meet somewhere along Speedway Blvd again. Just keep us posted. Steve
  15. 3

    Carolinas Dynos?

    Chris Hill is one who operates it and is my Service Manager :) . They also do tuning on AEM, etc. Thanks, Steve
  16. 3

    Carolinas Dynos?

    Here's mine: 3SX Performance 4317 Triple Crown Drive Concord, NC 28027 phone 704-784-3724 Contact: Chris Hill Superflow AWD Dyno (can do RWD/FWD/AWD)
  17. 3

    2nd Gear lockout

    Thanks for the information. That is what I thought, but I didn't realize the Vipers got stuck using them as well :( Thanks again everyone.
  18. 3

    2nd Gear lockout

    Exactly, and it really makes you look like an idiot when driving.:drive:
  19. 3

    2nd Gear lockout

    My 2004 occassionaly locks me out completely from shifting into second. Acts like my C5 did which had a 2nd gear shift lock for emissions. Does the Viper use something like this? Thanks for the help.